United Stanton Space Command / USSCOM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the United Stanton Space Command – The newly developing Navy of Stanton.



Applications to USSCOM are currently OPEN.

Click here to join us on Discord

The United Stanton Space Command began as a Command Unit of the United Nations Space Command fighting alongside humanity against the Covenant Forces. During exploration of the Galaxy in 2951 what was once the UNSC Command Unit Revenant 1, became an independent Sovreign Entity in our own right throughout Stanton. With only one goal, to keep peace amongst the star system we now call home.

Our history is in the making, and we are here to make it prosperous.



Welcome to the USSCOM. Just by being in our community, introducing yourself and participating in the community chats you are an ‘affiliate’ of the Revenant 1 USSCOM. If you like it here and wish to become a Revenant 1 fighter there are many adventures, positions and career paths available throughout the USSCOM organization. But first you must become a Revenant Soldier.

ORG Mission Statement

  • Grow a community worth joining
  • Train skills worth learning and applying
  • Build a home worth defending

A Revenant Soldier is out for the path, but understands the value of cooperation and diplomacy, and is bound by their word.

A Revenant Soldier is adaptable. Failure, setbacks, adversity, and a changing environment are the crucible for their tenacity.

A Revenant Soldier understands that the law provides stability but rarely justice and will work above or below it when that stability comes at the innocents’ expense.

A Revenant Soldier is willing to help but understands that “you should fix your own oxygen mask before assisting others.” Personal preparedness is a Revenant’s way of life so that supporting the unit can be their way of life too.

Starting at the Academy

When you start at the Academy you will be placed into an appropriate Basic Training Course according to your Star Citizen and general gaming experience level. As you complete your Basic Courses you have the opportunity to choose what focused Job Skill and Taskforce you would like to pursue.

Join our Discord to find out more about the ORG.


The USSCOM is Structured into various sub-Groups that each offer their own gameplay styles and cater to different tastes:


Revenant Taskforces are focused on Competitive PVP, as well as PVE, with the aim of improving readiness of all Soldiers for the day when Server Meshing is realized and the universe of Star Citizen opens up – when this happens, having an experienced force of battle-hardened fighters will allow us to defend the interests of the ORG in the verse.

Taskforce Alpha – First Strike Aircraft

Pilots trained to become the Fighter Screen and Interceptors – utilizing small one or two person fighter Craft – Organized into squadrons.

Taskforce BravoCAS Aircraft

Pilots trained in quickly supporting Ground Attack efforts from the sky – utilizing Small and Medium Bomber Craft – Organized into squadrons.

Taskforce Charlie – Ground Attack Vehicles

Soldiers trained in the maneuvers and tactics required to take the battlefield on the ground with the use of Tanks and Assault Vehicles.

Taskforce Delta – Special Operations

Made up of Spartans, Delta is the most highly trained of the USSCOM. Skilled in all forms of combat in the air and on the ground. This Taskforce is not for the faint of heart and requires Dedication, Perserverance, Strength, and Skill to be among the best in the Star System.

Core Roles of the Taskforces


The backbone of the USSCOM Navy. Reapers are the Pilots that shape the ORG. Venturing in Exploration, Air Combat, and house the foundation for which Stanton will strive. Reapers are no stranger to training in the elite skills required to pilot the various aircraft of the USSCOM Navy. They strive to reach the goals set out by command and reap the rewards of satisfaction that they are the craft of this new home in the Staton Star System.


Crew Members of all multicrew ships. Talons enjoy the hard work it takes to keep the aircraft running. Talons man the turrets, operate the drones, and keep the ship afloat from the bellies of the beasts.


E.V.A and Ground Operation Troops of the USSCOM. Providing Dismounted and Ground Vehicle support and control. Sparrows are the life blood of the battlefield.


The highly Skilled and Genetically Enhanced Super Soldiers of the USSCOM. (Further Explanation is Redacted)


Logistics Corps

The Logistics Corps of the USSCOM arranges mining activities, trading, transport, and new activities such as refueling and salvage for the ORG. Made up of Reapers, Talons, and Sparrows; the Logistics Corps are what keep the fighting forces fighting and this ORG running.

Medical Corps

The Medical Corps are responsible for training Revenant Soldiers in the medical system of Star Citizen and responding to medical support requests within the ORG. There is no role left out of this Element, all may be trained and suited for the Medical Corps. Without the medics, there is no pushing forward.