5-я оперативная эскадра / USSRRFOS5

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Commemorating the 5th Operational Squadron of the Black Sea Fleet of the Soviet Red Navy.
They brought hope to the proletariat in Eurasia and Africa.


5th Operational Squadron

5-я оперативная эскадра

Military Unit: 51215


Counter Admiral Boris Fedorovich Petrov, 14.6.67 – 11.9.69
Counter Admiral Vladimir Matveevich Leonenkov, 11.9.69 – 7.12.71
Counter Admiral Evgeniy Ivanovich Volobuev, 7.12.71 – 29.3.74
Counter Admiral Vladimir Ilich Akimov, 29.3.74 – 1.6.77
Counter Admiral Nikolay Ivanovich Ryabinskiy, 1.6.77 – 22.2.81
Counter Admiral Valentin Egorovich Selivanov, 22.2.81 – 19.9.85
Counter Admiral Vladimir Ivanovich Kalabin, 19.9.85 – 1988
Admiral Aleksandr Vasilevich Gorbunov, 1988 – 1990
Vice-Admiral Petr Grigorevich Svyatashov, 1990 – 1992
Admiral Yury Nikolaevich Sysuev, 1992 – 31.12.92
Activated 14.6.67 in Sevastopol, Crimean Oblast.

Also known as the Mediterranean squadron – any ship operating in the Mediterranean, automatically came under the 5th Operational Squadron.

Did not have any units permanently attached, and was divided into six task forces and a group of support ships:

Task Force 50 – flagship (usually the cruiser “Zhdanov”) and its escorts
Task Force 51 – submarines (usually six to eight submarines)
Task Force 52 – missile ships
Task Force 53 – anti-submarine warfare ships
Task Force 54 – landing ships
Task Force 55 – escorts
As only few harbours in the Mediterranean were available for logistic support (Port Said in Egypt to 1972, Tartus and Latakia in Syria), the squadron would use so-called low water anchor points (anchorages), where ships could be based for extended periods and could be resupplied from naval and civilian auxiliaries. Several anchorages were available:

Point 3 (Hammamet anchorage) off the Tunisian coast – mainly used by flagships and staff, as well as submarines arriving from the Northern Fleet
Point 52 (North of Sollum anchorage) – mainly used by surface ships from the Northern Fleet, Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet
Point 10 (Lemnos anchorage) – mainly used by scout ships
Point 70 (Riviera anchorage) between Italy and France
Alboran Island anchorage
Kithira anchorage – extensive use for ships moving to and from the Black Sea
East of Crete anchorage
Northeast of Cyprus anchorage
All anchor point were also used for intelligence gathering and monitoring shipping in the Mediterranean.

31.12.85 to 1.10.89 known as the 5th Ship Flotilla.

Disbanded 31.12.92.


Sevastopol, Crimean Oblast, 6.67 – 12.92


Я, гражданин Союза Советских Социалистических Республик, вступая в ряды Вооружённых Сил,

As a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, I join the Armed Forces of the USSR and hereby solemnly swear:


принимаю присягу и торжественно клянусь быть честным, храбрым, дисциплинированным, бдительным Воином, стойко переносить все тягости и лишения воинской службы, строго хранить военную и государственную тайну, беспрекословно выполнять все воинские уставы и приказы командиров и начальников.

Be a soldier of integrity, courage, discipline and vigilance, working hard and persevering. Strictly abide by military and state secrets, resolutely implement all military rules and regulations, and resolutely implement the orders of the commander and chief.


Я клянусь добросовестно изучать военное дело, всемерно беречь военное и народное имущество и до последнего дыхания быть преданным своему Народу, своей Советской Родине и Советскому Правительству.

Seriously study military skills, defend the property of the army and the people at all costs, and swear loyalty to the People’s Soviet motherland and the Soviet government.


Я всегда готов по приказу Советского Правительства выступить на защиту моей Родины — Союза Советских Социалистических Республик и, как воин Вооружённых Сил, я клянусь защищать её мужественно, умело, с достоинством и честью, не щадя своей крови и самой жизни для достижения полной победы над врагами.

I will obey the orders of the Soviet government, always ready to defend my motherland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with the dignity, honor and life of a soldier of the Soviet Armed Forces, I will defend the motherland and destroy the enemy heroically and tactfully.


Если же я нарушу эту мою торжественную присягу, то пусть меня постигнет суровая кара советского закона, всеобщая ненависть и презрение трудящихся.

If I violate the above solemn oath, I will be severely punished by Soviet law, hated and spurned by the working people.



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