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The Valoriant Empire / VALINDUS

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Rubble and rivalry…All what was left in the power vacuum of corporate schisms that gave wake to our true covenant. Today, the empire works to establish its dominion across the stars! Working for the empire take it’s rightful place at the sun!

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The story begins which in the grand scheme of the universe, seems not long ago. It was a time of great uncertainty, where once mighty corporations and local institutions battled for dominance in a rapidly changing universe. As rivalries intensified and conflicts erupted, a power vacuum was created amongst the stars, leaving room for new and old figures to rise once more. In the midst of the chaos, a group of ambitious entrepreneurs, visionaries, and mercenaries saw an opportunity to forge their own path and revitalize empire…
As major corporations and neighboring institutions brought nothing but conflict and bloodshed to their sector of space, locals were abandoned and neglected by their respective politicians, off running to the core worlds of the UEE, without care for their own people, off stuffing their faces with food and security many back home simply could not afford. With the absence of the UEE oversight, local populations began to display their unrest local leaders struggled to maintain their influence.
Though with this major unrest, organized groups remained with the interests and wishes of the local authorities and foreign intuitions, with only one formerly exiled family seeking to aid, free from the purchasing power of the politicians and aristocracy, the family: the Valoriant dynasty. The family, once renowned for its former control of the sector and its surrounding systems, eventually was enveloped on multiple fronts by then surrounding political entities, and officially brought down but generations ago, though too powerful and influential to fully dispose and eradicate, the family’s resurgence came about almost coincidingly with that of the UEE’s infamous Messer family.
Leveraging what they could from what they had, the remnant Valorian family, specifically that of its heir, utilized its personal royalist honor guard, turned mercenary covenant in more of its hands on approaches, aiming to retake and restore their original city from whence they came, Valoria.
At first the conflict was nothing but a slowly growing mob, paired with guerilla skirmishes on backwater holdings/depots. With the guard primarily responsible, they initially acted only as a spearhead unit for the growing cause of the local populace, though, this fact would eventually see themselves becoming as a rallying cry for the recent consistently oppressed planetary systems.
As local autonomy began to arise, and the infrastructure began to restore, resources and news of the groups triumphs began to spread, and soon it travelled like wildfire, an explosion never ceasing to grow, seeping into media even then unknown, and whenever those were subverted, word of mouth traveled even quicker. People flocked, and with them their local aristocrats followed, and soon, with the combined might of the peoples will and at this point majority of the local system aristocracy at their back the family eventually found themselves marching to take their former, original capitol city of their homeworld, a conquest not easily won by any metric, a city, a fortress, a bulwark from all sides, the former capitol was a city designed for feudal security and sovereignty above all, and the city itself practically capable of enough production and land to be its own kingdom in its own right, housing more than some adjacent planetary Vicarius’s, and often producing even thousands more…
Eventually, the covenant reached the limit of their city, as the armies settled in, and a new day dawned, the leaders prepared their camps, and a siege ensued.
Day after day, artillery shook the planet to its core, each round’s impact like an earthquake on the surface, each bellow of the shells practically a call, begging the planet to tear itself in two, less it do it itself. Eventually though, as with any siege, supply began to exhaust, the covenant and the respective royalists had little remaining options if they truly wished to secure this stronghold. Left with no other choices, a bold final strike against their conquerors began to be planned, willing to rather die on the battlefield than live without their liberties and rightful securities. The men readied…the night young, though light completely absent…men readied not just themselves, but their families…and then it rang…the order to charge, was given. That day, there were no kings and fiefs… no rich, no poor…every general, every soldier, marched together in their charge, the lords they fought for, the rich men they enriched, win or lose, would share their fate that day, and maybe just maybe…they’d all leave on the morrow free men, and followers/subjects of only their own institution.
Its said hundreds of thousands of revolutionaries were recorded to have lost their lives that day, a count was unfortunately then unfeasible…and undesired. The sky roared until the eleventh hour… only when the cannons stopped roaring, and the dust finally began to settle was but one symbol left on the central obelisk “high-tower”…a flag…a Valorian flag, their brave assault, a tide-changing action of the conflict, and the first moments of the new era.
As conflict began to conclude, and the leaders of the revolution settled and sought a more peaceful state, they agreed to meet and formalize the new provisional government of the people. Similar to their accustomed stories and myths the people decided to empower the former populist heads as their chosen candidates, the Valorian dynasty, allotted special privileges and autonomy due their their vital contributions and first-hand support in their revolution…the council unanimously agreeing…and with such, restored the families long time title back to its proper-glory…naming their rightful heir Veara Valorian, Principes of the Imperial league, and her rightful heir, Agore, Emperor, of the re-envisioned Valoriant empire.
With the political sector formalizing and establishing itself, the newly appointed Valoriant council began its proclamation of what it deemed was its destiny, nicknamed the “insurmountable ambitions”, they voiced their opinions against the UEE’s actions during the conflict, and announced their claim to assimilate their once enemies, stating that everything they had, that they were, that they would ever be, was the only fair price to pay for the corporate/PMC’s action during the recent years, vowing to bring forth a new era upon their new dominion, based on security and independence…though this would also include, though not stated formally, its eventual independence from the UEE itself in its entirety.
With a calculated strategy, the rising Valoriant council began acquiring struggling companies, absorbing their assets, and integrating their best practices. The council quickly expanded its dominion, attracting the attention of other powerful institutions and politicians whom wished to capitalize on its success. Eventually, former rivals began to choose to rather join forces with The rising Valoriant Council rather than be swallowed by its growing might thrugh its renowned growing ruthless force, with each new banner under the council extending the councils reach across entire sectors of the Human empire, and even those across other xeno-based borders.
———————————————————————- Excerpt II-A.12 ———————————————————————-
Utilizing their resources and influence to shape industries, political policy , and integrate new frontiers, it aided their commitment to excellence and their dedication to their proclaimed destiny, bringing them to be essentially treated as allies rather than some vassal state under the Messer regime, a fact which would propel the council to proclaim itself its own empire upon the death of the final member of the Messer dynasty.
When the Messer regime did come to an end, the council was able to politically maneuver arrangements with highly influential members of the UEE and emerged as the true embodiment of the new era. It became a beacon of strength, unity, and unyielding ambition. To symbolize their transformation and signify the birth of a new covenant, They publicly moved away from previously Messer sympathetic agendas, and towards creating the empire they once proclaimed their ambition to creating all those years ago, bringing the newly recognized Valoriant Empire to its current rightful place at the sun!


General member applicants: Welcome to the Valoriant Empire’s personal spectrum page! While you’re here you can meet fellow star citizen players, sell/buy byproducts of peoples ventures, get to know some fellow staff members, or even just join the empire outright! Whether you’re here to join us, or just chat and network with fellow players, we’re certain you’ll find something here that’ll suit your interests. We wish you well on your journey across the ‘verse! see you around! o7

Org leaders seeking League status: Together, we as the guiding players, and citizens of the ‘verse, can come together here to achieve such a feat greater than any of our pieces (organizations), hence the ideal of taking the empire to its “rightful place at the sun!”. If you’re interested in the potentiality of this arrangement, Vassal, league, and affiliate organizations are able to rule as they have before with minimal requirements, as we don’t seek to take away from any of the work you have already put forward, as we would never want that ourselves. By joining the empire/Valoriant League you will essentially be able to put forth any hierarchy, structure, rule-set, etc. you can possibly draft up in your own private channels inside the main discord, and the rule-set of the league’s senate/high-table will only overpower said rules when engaging in empire/league respective jurisdictional activities (such as in your forward channels, for live events, or when activily playing with the empire at large…)

Currently the empire simply requires:

  • You place the league icon somewhere in your logo image on your RSI page, simply to show your connection/membership.
  • abide and agree to a forward uniform etc. with the high table (honestly we don’t care, so long as its empire colored for simplicity) and this is simply for when engaging in empire-official events.
  • Agree to protect the rest of the league/empire as needed, “an attack on one is an attack on all”, and vice versa.
  • And simply follow any and all inter-empire based groups rules and regulations when engaging in areas deemed under their respective jurisdiction. (which essententially stands for simply their respective discords, forward empire-based channels/VCs.)

Though of course, you retain your own discord, channels, rules, and private uniform (if you wish to have your own in your own discord/org uses outside the empire activities.)
Thus, If you’re interested in applying for league membership with the empire, please join our discord as an envoy and reach out to a member of our “High-table” (members with purple rank status or higher).


Show others proper respect regardless of rank, failure to do so can and will result in expulsion

Display proper professionalism

Targeted censorship of any kind from those with or without exceptional rank will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

All salutations, beginnings, and conclusions of VC or conversational activity must be met with either the saying,”glory to the empire” or “glory to the emperor”

Uniforms of respective party (or active party affiliation if deemed justified) are now mandatory. If no uniform is currently accessible, or you are not registered with a division etc. you must wear a baseline uniform of at least a Morozov Brushdrift heavy helmet at minimum.

Follow any and all other rules put forth in specific discord channels, such as the guidelines in the ⁠ treasury , ⁠redacted , etc.

Adhere to any inter-empire based groups rules and regulations when engaging in areas deemed under their respective jurisdiction.

Dissent and or deem-able improper action (including but not limited to the rules stated above, defamation, harassment, etc) can and will be enforced at the discretion of the organization and its structures.

Any and all legality and/disputes over said contracts and contracts of sale, or private to vendor/seller are to run through the legal vendor/seller, and business headquarters location’s legal jurisdiction (Current: state of Florida under the federally known United States of America). By accepting any contract or contract of sale, you acknowledge to adhere and to be bound by the determined federal, and state legal jurisdiction.

Clause, the rules and regulations of this organization are subject to be changed at any time and can come with/without notice, and the empire reserves the right to conduct any action (such as member removal) at any time for any reason, so long as the main organization structure agrees.