Valor Company / VALORCO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Valor Company is a role-playing focused Private Military Company, available for hire in aerospace and land based combat, private security, transport and logistics.

This unit of Valor currently operates exclusively in the Stanton System.

Exitus acta probat: The end justifies the means.


Founded in 2949 by a former UEE General, Valor Company operates units all across the Milky Way. The Stanton Detachment is currently commanded by Lieutenant Commander Percival Boatright, a career UEE Navy officer with experience in large fleet and small covert operations.

The company historically has provided pilots, spacecraft, soldiers and ground vehicles to clients across the stars. Additionally, the Company also provides flight operations support, training and mentoring, intelligence, security, and maintenance of land vehicles.


Valor Company operates on a contract basis to supply timely and effective solutions tailored to the needs of their clients. There is no job too small for the operators of Valor Company. Utilizing our wide network of affiliate organizations, we can customize a security package at a reasonable cost to organizations across the universe.

Space Operations Support- to facilitate or reduce the flow of personnel, materiel and other assets for our clients.

Spaceflight- Providing timely space support via all categories of spacecraft and atmospheric craft. Valor Company also provides repair services at competitive prices to ensure your fleet remains in top condition.

Emergency Response- Highly trained medical personnel with space ambulance support can ensure that your forces are treated and re-introduced to the battlefield.

Base Support Operations- Expert management of facilities across the galaxy, freeing up your employees to face the task at hand. Included in this field are expertly trained and certified mechanics to ensure your ground support is fit to fight at a moment’s notice.

Intelligence Training- To include intelligence gathering, counterintelligence, special operations and law enforcement.

Security Services- Be it at the fleet or force level, or even VIP services, Valor Corporation can provide expertly trained, discreet security professionals to ensure events, operations centers and personnel are protected.

Training and Mentoring- Valor can also provide direct training in these areas, utilizing the latest techniques to prepare your employees to grow organically.


Valor Operators adhere to a strict chain of command, centered on the discipline of the UEE Navy. You can be assured that your Valor Company operatives attached to your operations will act with the utmost respect and professionalism while assisting in your operations both home and abroad.

Valor Company Employees will be deployed with an Officer-Level supervisor that they will report to directly. Interaction with the operatives is handled through the Officer, who maintains autonomy to ensure your goal are met timely and safely.

For more information, please contact Valor today!