Vagabond Ventures Inc. / VBI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Scouting


Born of a brotherhood of adventurers who have migrated from one game world to the next. Changing names and faces as we’ve traveled, but always remaining true to a core set of values and unspoken guidelines that have kept us strong. And now… we wander the stars!


When you look out into the verse, does it stare back? Does it call to you, driving you to ask the questions that no man or woman yet has the answer to? Does it haunt you? Does it pull you towards the boundaries of what is known, and beg you to reach further?

We are the hand that reaches. We are the feet that tread the untouched path. We are the eyes that see the unspoiled verse and all it wonders.

If you hear the calling, answer it with us.


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