The Void Chapter / VCPTR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

In space no one can hear you scream for help.


this list is incomplete you can help by joining and expanding it :)


The Void Chapter will take what we want, as long as we can guaranteed success. Our motives are riches and ships And our views are everyone all dies the same slow and painful.

our server:


kliment storm but spoopyToday at 3:17 PM
1. No blue on blue (this does not include duels, duels are fine).

2. No drugs, corp will not allow the smuggling of drugs in our system what you do out of system is up to you (this does not include UEE approved drugs).

3. No capitals without a capital licences (it only cost 1mil and includes free backup plus repairs with it).

4. No stealing (no stealing of loot or drops or ships if you are not in the fleet or did not shoot the target that loot is not yours).

5. No scamming (scamming includes, selling of items at a raised price , buying items at a highly lowered price to turn around and make large profit, and scamming people by not giving them what you promised to give them).

6. Even though we do not ask anything of you please look for a job or source of income within corp or game, this includes ratting and missions, if you can not find a decent enough source of income you can apply for corp welfare this will provide you with a ship and small income, however any large amount of UEC made while on corp welfare will be heavily taxed.