Veterans Alliances / VETERAN

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Veterans Alliances (VA) is an Military, Veteran, and Friends of online gaming community with a focus on maturity, teamwork, friendships, and brotherhood. We are there for each other in game and outside the game.


Veterans Alliances was not our first choice in naming this site. As we looked we found many of the names were taken, but we felt this name best describes what we want to do here.

Veterans Alliances was formed by veterans who game together online. We first met under the veteran’s only group First Veteran’s Battalion (1VB). First Veteran’s Battalion was formed soon after America’s Army was released in 2002; its membership was over 400 strong and was based around America’s Army. As America’s Army declined some of 1VB members tried to expand into other games such as Battlefield 2. Others wanted 1VB to become a support group, which included sending out care packages to soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. As fewer and fewer members played America’s Army and became interested in other games they ended up leaving for one reason or another. 1VB ended up surviving as a group in Facebook. Many of its members are splintered across different gaming groups playing different games.

Our goal is to reunite former members and to expand by forming a larger group. We see many smaller veteran groups playing different games online. All these groups are doing their own thing with a sole purpose to try and recruit new members to grow their groups. They are also paying for services which include web sites, TeamSpeak servers, game servers, etc.

What we offer is a place for different groups to consolidate resources and save money, a common hub, a common goal, and an alliance between other vets groups. They can keep their structures, their members under their own division. We do all have one thing in common, we all volunteered to serve, and we are veterans, we are brothers.

To become a member of Veterans Alliance you need to either be a veteran, active military, or be referred by a member. Spouses (Household 6), dependents, and friends of veteran’s can also join by being sponsored.

If you are part of a group and want to have your group join the Veterans Alliances, create an account and post in our forums. We take all applications seriously and will get with you as soon as we can.

Benefits include a larger group who has your back. In such games as the soon to go public Star Citizen, having a large alliance means being protected and having access to a large pool of resources and allies. In other games such as America’s Army Proving Grounds it will allow us to have leagues. In games as World of Tanks we will run strongholds. Teamwork will take us places.





Veterans Alliances (VA) is an Military, Veteran, and Friends of online gaming community with a focus on maturity, teamwork, friendships, and brotherhood. We are there for each other in game and outside the game.

Our purpose is to bring together different Military – Veteran groups into one community allowing organized participation in multiple games while at the same time reducing the overhead cost of providing services to it’s members.

We are a group founded by Veterans. We believe in the core values of the US Air Force, US Army, US Marine Corps, and US Navy. Keep in mind, as veterans we were never relieved of our duties to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Games come and go, as do the groups that form under those games. It’s the purpose of this organization to be a community to it’s members and to be dynamic in the gaming would for it’s members.

Veterans Alliances strives to uphold a mature standard of conduct and foster a community of brotherhood. It’s members are expected to learn and follow the Basic Principles listed below.

As in the real world there will always be those who want to be part of a military community but are not able to for different reasons. There are those who claim to be in the military but never served , this is known as Stolen Valor. To protect the integrity of our organization we have a application and interview process to weed out Stolen Valor. We will select new members that understand and respect the core values of our Military and basic principles listed below.


Members will always treat each other with respect, promote fellowship within the community, and avoid discussing controversial topics.
Members will be respectful to everyone they interact with while gaming or communicating in public and live up to core values.
Members will follow the chain of command.
The Senior Chain of Command will be fair and consistent in how they manage members.
Members are expected to use designated Voice Communications (TeamSpeak) when playing for Communication.
Members are expected to actively participate in the community, this includes Logging into the Forums and TeamSpeak at least once per month.
Members will abide by every End user Licensing Agreement (EULA) provided by games in which Veterans Alliances operates.
Follow the core values.