Venture Heavy Industries / VHIND

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Resources

Venture Heavy Industries is the Premier Star Citizen Industrial Organization.

• Mining
•Data Collection
•Habitation Construction
•Refueling & Tow Services
•In-house Security & Medical

If its Industrial. Its VHI.


With the fall of GEINC, the members left standing bound together to create something new. Thus, Venture Heavy Industries rose from the ashes with the same Industrial and Ethical foundation. Venture Heavy Industries will continue to develop with Star Citizen and make its mark in the Verse.


Guided by a council, Venture Heavy Industries continues to attain assets and capital along with notoriety for the common good of VHI and its members. Members, along with the Council decide the fate of VHI’s direction and purpose with checks and balances in place designed to keep Venture Heavy Industries purpose and focus correct. VHI is a UEE aligned Organization.


Venture Heavy Industries is first and foremost a community driven Organization. Without our community VHI would not be what it is today. We look forward to exploring the Verse with our members but also require them to abide by a few rules laid out by VHI Bylaws. Threats, Racism, Bigotry, Sexually Explicit Materials and basic Toxicity will not be tolerated by VHI in and or out of the Verse. Lastly, we are all here to support and guide each other in game and IRL. Life comes first, please take care of yourself.