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Victrix Security Fleet / VICSEC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration



Formed on May 19th of 2951 under the codename REGULUS, the Victrix Security Fleet emerged as a beacon of hope and stability in the ever-expanding frontier of space. With a vision to provide high-quality privatized military services to a diverse clientele, the organization set out to redefine the standards of security and defense in the galaxy.

In its nascent stages, REGULUS faced numerous challenges and obstacles. However, under the determined leadership of its founders and the unwavering dedication of its personnel, the organization quickly gained momentum and established itself as a formidable force in the private military sector.

From the outset, the Victrix Security Fleet prioritized a culture of compliance and operational excellence. Every member of the organization was meticulously trained and equipped to handle a wide range of security threats, from piracy and smuggling to corporate espionage and political unrest. Through rigorous training programs and continuous improvement initiatives, the fleet ensured that its personnel were always prepared to tackle any challenge with precision and efficiency.

Over the years, the Victrix Security Fleet expanded its operations and forged partnerships with a variety of clients, ranging from individual traders and corporations to planetary governments and interstellar organizations. By providing tailor-made security solutions and unparalleled expertise, the organization earned the trust and loyalty of its clients, solidifying its reputation as a premier provider of military services in the galaxy.

Central to the success of the Victrix Security Fleet was its commitment to bringing the structure and organization of a standing military force to the private sector. Drawing inspiration from the United Empire of Earth military, the organization implemented rigorous standards of discipline, hierarchy, and professionalism within its ranks. Through strategic alliances, business deals, and acquisitions, the fleet acquired state-of-the-art technology, advanced weaponry, and cutting-edge equipment to ensure its continued superiority on the battlefield.

As the years passed, the Victrix Security Fleet continued to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the galaxy. With a steadfast dedication to excellence and a relentless pursuit of innovation, the organization remained at the forefront of the private military industry, setting new standards of excellence and inspiring others to follow in its footsteps.

Today, the legacy of REGULUS lives on within the Victrix Security Fleet, serving as a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to its founding principles of integrity, professionalism, and service. As it looks to the future, the fleet remains steadfast in its mission to protect and defend the citizens of the galaxy, ensuring peace and prosperity for generations to come.


In the boundless expanse of space, the Victrix Security Fleet stands as a bastion of strength and unity, committed to safeguarding the interests of the United Empire of Earth (UEE) and upholding the principles of justice and order among the stars. Founded with a vision of excellence and honor, our fleet embraces the noble duty of defending the weak, championing the oppressed, and shaping our destiny amidst the cosmic tapestry.

To fulfill our mission with unwavering resolve, every member of the Victrix Security Fleet undergoes rigorous training, preparing them for the challenges of spacefaring life. Our training regimen is designed to instill discipline, proficiency, and camaraderie, equipping each individual with the skills and mindset necessary to excel in their assigned roles, from basic combat skills to specialized training in role-specific tasks. This ensures that every member of the Victrix Security Fleet is ready to face the unknown and uphold the proud legacy of our organization.

A member’s journey begins with fundamental courses, such as:

Basic Combat Training
  • Introduces recruits to fundamental combat principles and techniques.
  • Covers weapon handling, marksmanship, and basic combat maneuvers.
  • Emphasizes physical fitness, teamwork, and situational awareness.
Shipboard Operations Orientation
  • Familiarizes personnel with spacecraft systems and protocols.
  • Provides instruction on emergency procedures and shipboard safety.
  • Includes training in navigation, communications, and spacecraft maintenance.
Advanced Combat Techniques
  • Builds upon basic combat skills with advanced tactics and maneuvers.
  • Focuses on specialized combat scenarios and environmental challenges.
  • Enhances proficiency in close-quarters combat, urban warfare, and zero-gravity engagements.
Role-Specific Skills Training
  • Tailored training based on assigned roles within the fleet.
  • Provides specialized instruction in piloting, engineering, medical, and other critical areas.
  • Equips personnel with role-specific equipment operation and task execution.
Scenario-Based Exercises
  • Simulates realistic combat and emergency scenarios for practical application.
  • Challenges personnel to adapt to changing situations and make strategic decisions.
  • Enhances teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in dynamic environments.

Within the Victrix Security Fleet, we carefully select our instructors for their extensive experience, professionalism, and dedication to excellence. They recognize the critical importance of top-notch training, understanding that it can be the deciding factor between life and death in the field. Committed to delivering superior tactical and firearms instruction, they have honed a methodology proven effective in real-world combat situations.

Joining the Victrix Security Fleet means becoming part of a team of skilled professionals united by a shared commitment to success, even in the most challenging and hostile environments. Our diverse workforce brings together individuals from various backgrounds, fostering a dynamic and innovative workplace culture characterized by inclusivity and excellence.

We adhere to a strict equal opportunity policy, ensuring that our recruitment and employment practices are fair and unbiased. Candidates are selected and evaluated solely based on their qualifications and capabilities, without any form of unlawful discrimination based on factors such as race, nationality, religion, gender, or disability status. At the Victrix Security Fleet, we empower all employees to embrace their unique strengths and contribute to our collective success.


