Virtus Aeterno / VIRTUS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Scouting
  • Exploration

Achievement. Success. Victory.


Founded in 2855 by decorated war veteran, Obadiah Jenkins, Virtus Aeterno began with one goal in mind; To exemplify the standard of Industrial Integrity.
With a modest fleet of ships, Obadiah set out to provide the ‘verse with something that was a cut above his competitors. He believed that you could go anywhere for a mining operation or salvage crews, but it was the people that make the difference.

Before long, Obadiah’s vision had taken hold in the hearts and minds of his clients, his share holders, and even his ever growing crew. Having enough ships and crew to service a dozen planets and three systems, Everything was going just as things should.


Now, even after the “Big Crash of 2868” that would see many companies bankrupted, we’re still clinging tightly to life, and with the modest handful of functioning ships and few crew that we have left , Virtus Aeterno is still in it for you, the consumer.
With prices being renegotiated constantly, we’re making it ever easier for you to get the service you need at the price we can’t afford to turn away!

Virtus Aeterno. Integrity, Trust, Tenacity. That’s our promise to you.


Integrity, Confidence, Determination, when you roll these things together, you’ve got a winning combination. Here at Virtus Aeterno Corporation, we not only know the value behind such qualities, we exemplify them to their very core.
We are committed to bringing all we have to the table, tackling each mission before us, and making sure that your vision becomes a reality.
So whether you need Transport Protection, a Mining Operation, or even a few expert hands manning a ship of your own, Virtus Aeterno has your needs in mind.

There comes a time when someone has to get it right. Let us show you the new definition of consumer assurance.


Virtus Aeterno is, or has hopes of being, a Star Citizen organization that focuses on the core fundamentals of playing the BDSSE (Best Damned Space Sim Ever) together: exploring the vast reaches of space, finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, shooting anyone who gets in our way in the face, and having an all around good time as we do it. We here at Virtus understand that everyone plays games differently, that’s why we’re putting out the call to any and everyone no matter the type of gamer they are.

Be it crewman or Captain, pve or pvp’er, station trader or industrial focused character, we accept all kinds. It will take all kinds to full give us access as a group to everything the upcoming universe has to offer!

We are currently undergoing the planning stages of what has has been granted the working title “Operation G.T.F.O.”. The basic concept of the plan is to build a fleet of diverse ships that support one another equally, crew the ships appropriately, and when the launch of the Alpha Persistent Universe launches we will travel as a flotilla to the farthest, darkest corners of the galaxy away from the din of the starter civilizations in search of the legendary Bengal Carrier. We’re going to use the alpha universe, that will no doubt be wiped, as a gauge of how far and how well we will be able to travel together. And we’re going to have one hell of a time doing it.

Fleet ships are as follows(so far), and most are still in need of able bodied crewman:



Constellation Andromeda

Vanguard x 3


Hull C

And possibly the addition of more industrial centered vessels such as an Orion and Reclaimer to help generate credits along our trip to further fund our flying.

If you’re interested, or know of anyone that is interested, then please don’t hesitate to add them to this page! We need all the help we can get to claw our way through the cluttered masses of Orgs everywhere and come out on top with the greatest prize of all: A Bengal and the balls to murder anyone who gets near it. We currently have a Teamspeak for anyone who is interested in hopping in, exchanging raunchy humor, and flying together in arena commander and all of it’s subsequent patches until the PU is ready to roll!
no password (unless we get some trolls other than [REDACTED] in there)

Safe flying Gents!