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Vilture's Sky / VISKY

  • Corporation
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  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to Vilture’s Sky

Vilture’s Sky is a society of Citizens and Civilians, that came together for the benefit of all. We are a collective of people of different origins and ambitions, who came together to benefit from companionship and mutual help.


To be announced soon.


Vilture’s Sky…

…is an independent society of ambitious citizens working together for the good of its people and asociates.
…does not limit the freedom of its members. They may operate however they like, as long as it does not interfere with Vilture’s interests.
…does provide nothing but the best equipment to its members.
…is a platform to meet fellow citizens and companions for your space journey.
…counts on the support of its members when needed.
…is a mutual effort to gain prosperity and wealth.
…is a democratic society, that values the input of its respected members. Critical decisions are always put to vote.

Vilture’s Sky’s main ambition is to afford a great amount of property that the members have access to. To achieve this our members pay a share of their income to our mutual account. The more involved you are with Vilture’s Sky and the more you contribute the more access you will have to our mutual property. Details on our working scheme are provided on request.

How to become a member

Please submit your application through the official apllication form. Please elaborate on how you plan to be constructive for Vilture’s Sky and what you expect from your membership. If you have an acquaintance already a member of Vilture’s Sky please name them.

Join now if you are interested in being part of a group of ambitious people reaching out for the stars.


The rules of the Vilture


The following Charter was established by the original Vilture on 14th of April 2553. This preface, as well as the first section (hereinafter referred to as the constitution) are eternally immutable. Details are defined at §1.5. Vilture’s Sky was created after years of unorganized meetings of citizens, who realized Ivar Messer’s empire will do great harm to humanity. At the time this preface is being written we consist of 23 members, five of which will form the initial Vilture-Council. Out intend is to help each other through rough times and grwo our wealth and influence through companionship and solidarity. The following paragraphs regulate the activities and internal organization.

Ratified by

Vincent “The Vilture” Aperture

Aegus “The Flying Angel” Smith

Jessie “The Blonde” Soler

Dale “The Keen” Liding

and Ed

Section 1: The Constitution

§1.1 This paragraph defines the basics of the internal structure Vilture’s Sky has. Details are provided in following paragraphs. §1.1.1 At any given time there is a ‘Vilture’. This person elected for a lifetime. The Vilture is chairman and a permanent member of the council (see §1.1.2).
§1.1.2 There is a council in place. Its size depends on the current amount of members.
§1.1.3 There is a rank ladder members have to climb.

§1.2 This paragraph defines the functions and formation of the council.
§1.2.1 The council’s size depends on the current member count. The formula is n = CEILING.
§ Whenever the member-count advances to a number an addtional councilor is needed an immediate election starts-
§ When the member-count decreases to a number, where the size of the council decreases, the current council size is kept until the next regular election.
§1.2.2 The council has full control over Vilture’s Sky’s activities, including, but not limited to:
§ The admission of new members.
§ The promotion or demotion of existing members.
§ The administration of the organizations finances. This includes the purchase of equipment.
§ The taxation and membership fees.
§ Public presentation of Vilture’s Sky
§1.2.3 Decisions of the council are made by voting over a single proposal. It can be rejected or accepted.
§ A proposition is accepted if more councilors voted in favor of it than against it. Every vote not delivered counts as rejection-vote.
§ The voting period can be freely set, but is at least 72 hours and at most 168 hours.
§ Every voting that took place in the council has to be published, regardless of the outcome. The individual votes of the councilors also have to be published.
§1.2.4 Every member out of probation is allowed to issue a proposal.
§ Proposals consist of a title and a paragraph describing its contents clearly.
§ Proposals, that don’t meet those criteria can be rejected by the council without the need to vote on it. Alternatively they are allowed to refine the contents. In this case, the original version has to be attached to the proposal.
§ All proposals that meet the quality criteria have to be put to vote by the council.
§1.2.5 The council is supposed to discuss the matter of each proposal. If they deem it necessary they are able to obtain the opinion of the members by conducting a survey.