The Black Sheep / VMA214

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The Black Sheep VMA-214

The VMA-214 Black Sheep specialize in muli-role cross platform operations utilizing a wide variety of space frames and tactics. Ranging from close support and interdiction to reconnaissance and transport/logistics. Join the Black Sheep and fly with the best!


The Story is the same, as are the names to honor the men who fought the great fight.

Some things have been changed to fit the Star Citizen story!

On August 2098, a group of twenty-seven young men under the leadership of Major Gregory “Pappy” Boyington (who was later awarded the Medal of Honor) were joined together to form the original “Blacksheep” of VMF-214. Major Boyington had just returned from a year’s tour in Gamma Beta sector as a member of the 1st UEE Volunteer Group (nicknamed the Flying Tigers) and had been credited with multiple kills of Vanduul Raider ships. The squadron was not assigned any ships or ancillary personnel at first and flew to Gamma 1 and later the Gamma 234 belt in borrowed ships that were in less than satisfactory condition.

On the evening of September 13, 2098, the men of VMF-214 gathered in their commanding officer’s hanger during which time it was suggested that they needed a nickname. Originally the squadron called itself “Boyington’s Bastards” after its new commander. The fact that all of the pilots had been orphans and not attached to a squadron when they got together and the fact that they possessed few reliable ships and no mechanics lead to that nickname. The following day, this new label was presented to the UEE Public Information Officer on the belt at the time, Captain Jack DeChant, and found to be unacceptable because civilian newspapers would never print it. DeChant then suggested the call sign “Black Sheep” because the expression meant essentially the same thing. The pilots ranged from experienced combat veterans, with several air-to-air and space-to-space victories to their credit, to new replacement pilots from the UEE. Major Boyington and Major Stan Bailey were given permission to form the unassigned pilots into a squadron with the understanding that they would have less than four weeks to have them fully trained and ready for combat. Although they dropped the moniker “Boyington’s Bastards”, the squadron still retains the black bar of bastardy across its shield. For the badge they chose their badge the black shield of illegitimacy, the bar sinister, a black sheep superimposed surrounded by a circle of twelve stars and crowned with the image of their Ship, the F7 Hornet from long long ago on old Earth 1.


To start the most important rule of all

*All men reserve the right to carry and bear arms in defense of their person, ship, and crew.”

1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.

2. The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.

3. The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.

4. Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law.

5. Law can only prohibit such actions as are hurtful to society. Nothing may be prevented which is not forbidden by law, and no one may be forced to do anything not provided for by law.

6. Law is the expression of the general will. Every citizen has a right to participate personally, or through his representative, in its foundation. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents.

7. No person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by law. Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing, or causing to be executed, any arbitrary order, shall be punished. But any citizen summoned or arrested in virtue of the law shall submit without delay, as resistance constitutes an offense.

8. The law shall provide for such punishments only as are strictly and obviously necessary, and no one shall suffer punishment except it be legally inflicted in virtue of a law passed and promulgated before the commission of the offense.

9. As all persons are held innocent until they shall have been declared guilty, if arrest shall be deemed indispensable, all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoner’s person shall be severely repressed by law.

10. No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law.

11. The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.

12. The security of the rights of man and of the citizen requires public military forces. These forces are, therefore, established for the good of all and not for the personal advantage of those to whom they shall be entrusted.

13. A general tax is indispensable for the maintenance of the public force and for the expenses of administration; it ought to be equally apportioned among all citizens according to their means.

14. All the citizens have a right to decide, either personally or by their representatives, as to the necessity of the public contribution; to grant this freely; to know to what uses it is put; and to fix the proportion, the mode of assessment and of collection and the duration of the taxes.

15. Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration.

16. A society in which the observance of the law is not assured, nor the separation of powers defined, has no constitution at all.

17. Property being an inviolable and sacred right, no one can be deprived of it, unless demanded by public necessity, legally constituted, explicitly demands it, and under the condition of a just and prior indemnity.


To provide offensive and defensive aerospace support, armed reconnaissance, and transport/logistics to the United Earth Empire expeditionary forces and contracted parties at the command of VMA-214 Black Sheep Directors.

Render obedience to appropriate orders that may be given from time to time by Superiors acting in according to the rules and articles governing the discipline of the VMA-214 Black Sheep

All VMA-214 Black Sheep members will conduct themselves in such a way as to not bring shame or dishonor to the VMA-214 Black Sheep. The VMA-214 Black Sheep are an elite fighting force and all VMA-214 Black Sheep members are to conduct themselves as professionals and specialists. Any VMA-214 Black Sheep member found to be tarnishing the squadrons name will be dishonorably discharged from the squadron.

All VMA-214 Black Sheep members are to keep their vessels in combat ready condition. Any shortfall in maintenance that can affect the combat readiness of the squadron will be reported to your direct superior so as to rectify the situation as quickly as possible. The VMA-214 Black Sheep must be ready to mobilize at a moments notice.