Void Heart / VOIDHEART

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Do you crave the freedom the great Void holds for us all? Pursue it with us, perhaps we find something skittering in the dark so we may come back a little more “well off”…

Join us in the hunt for the unknown!

You know what you want. Pursue it by joining Void Heart and we will find it together.


We are of all origins. Flying through the unknown gives us a sense of freedom. Never have we bowed to the powers of society, neither will we. We live by our own virtues. Loyalty to our comrades in need. We have always been there for one another when the time calls.

We seek the Heart… Few have travelled as we have, few have seen.

We do what we must, when we must, to aid us in our journey.
We will find it.


We hunt… We all need to eat and at times buy additional fire power.

Bounties have always been a good source of income. This is but a means to an end neither is the only one.

We seek that which doesn’t wish to be found. We want that which is unforgiving yet rewarding! If needed, we will do the unforgivable to attain it.

(Reason for RP being marked. Role-Playing is not prevalent but who doesn’t make an odd space joke and act the part on occasion?)


We fly where we want to. It is our self proclaimed right. Does the void truly rule or restrict?

We Fight for our comrades. We Fight for strength and pride. We Fight to protect what we treasure most, our Freedom to Fly.

There is no Rule here but, trust and comrades are.

Our virtues are set clearly and made visible once your application is approved.