Vengeance of the Innocent / VOTI

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Vengeance Of The Innocent (VOTI) is a corporate consortium, primarily engaged in exploration, trade, commerce, and security, solidified by fraternal-like bonds, including an ancient oath to protect all innocent. VOTI is the noblest, most time honored, and most trusted name in business.


From time immemorial, and more than four millennia ago, the ancient guilds arose giving birth to mankind’s first steps toward science, the stars, and the universe. To protect invaluable mathematical and scientific knowledge, regarded as “mystic” and “sacred” in ancient times, which are known as Geometry, Mathematics, and Physics today—the guilds enacted measures to protect and encrypt the knowledge that their forbearers first and, for a time, singularly possessed.

The pinnacle and height of power obtained and the lengths gone to, in order to protect these secrets, culminated in The Ancient Order of the Knights Templar, often referred to simply as the “Ancient Order.” These monastic warrior monks at once consisted of no more than nine unknown knights on a secret quest, who presented themselves to the King of ancient Jerusalem with the stated purpose of protecting Saints traveling in the Holy Lands. These nine knights, with no real wealth or power, suddenly and mysteriously grew their numbers into the hundreds, even thousands, and became the wealthiest men on Earth. In many respects, they seemed to grow to control the entire known world of religious and monarchical titans—funding most wars in the known world, creating the first semblance of modern banking, inventing the first mobile transferable accounts of credit, deciding who won and who lost, and shaping the history of humankind.

From these long forgotten and cold embers of history—and as a direct heir to the Ancient Order—hails the modern order of Vengeance of The Innocent. “Vengeance” or “VOTI,” as it is often referred to, is a renewed iteration of and appendant body to the Ancient Order, operating autonomously and largely in secret. Through the millennia that have transpired since the Ancient Order’s inception, rumors have abounded regarding its death and disbandment, particularly after the burning and execution of Grand Master Jacques de Molay (1314). These were only rumors, and the Ancient Order never disbanded. It went underground, infiltrated government and business entities throughout the world, and it laid dormant—but still alive—for over a thousand years, waiting for the day when humanity would again require their uniquely selfless Oaths and Obligations. The Ancient Order rebirthed its own active endeavors anew, for specific purpose—and Vengeance was erected to answer the inherent dangers pressed by travail amidst the heavenly bodies. VOTI’s mission remains to protect the innocent—whoever they are—who now travel the harshest, coldest, and loneliest paths ever known to humanity.

Though heir to the Ancient Order, which is an order of monastic (religious) warrior monks—Vengeance is not a religious, religiously motivated, or religiously active order. Though certain of its membership or leadership may belong to The Ancient Order of the Knights Templar, the exclusive objective of VOTI is to protect the “innocent(s)” (n. – denoting one who is innocent). In this, Vengeance partners and works alongside citizens, non-citizens, and all manner of elements and organizations to carry out its designs. When deemed necessary for the Greater Good, or to accomplish its larger purposes—Vengeance will align with and work alongside rogue or less than pristine elements. After all, in the real and functional world, circumstance is fluid, context is complex, and innocence does not exist in a vacuum. And, when necessary, Vengeance will do what must be done to accomplish the greater good and, within a larger context, to accomplish its central designs. When there is a contest of non-innocence against non-innocence, Vengeance has no interest, other than its capricious whim, determined in that moment, as Vengeance sees fit.

Vengeance has earned the reputation of being zealous and unremitting pirates of the worst pirates. For, those who pursue or harm the truly innocent—are subject to Vengeance’s military prosecution under extreme prejudice, with unyielding impunity. Through its military prowess, Vengeance prosecutes those who harm beneficial and innocent interstellar peace, trade, and culture—and through such action, benefit all of human-kind, sentient-kind, VOTI, and its partners. Sometimes… oftentimes…it is necessary for SOMEONE to dirty their hands, so that others may enjoy peace, prosperity, and rule of law.

Vengeance’s access to historical records for the secret society comprising The Ancient Order of the Knights Templar is somewhat limited. This is due to a purposeful and necessary division between the Ancient Order, proper, and Vengeance (as a secret appendant body to the Ancient Order, proper). As such, only certain leaders on each side are aware of the connection. Due to the limited access to historical records, Vengeance only knows some of the ancient history of the Ancient Order and its various millennia old infiltrations into global governments, world-wide corporations, mass-media conglomerates, research institutions, think tank institutions, policy centers, and a host of other globally influential bodies and institutions.

At the turn of the 21st Century, the Ancient Order and its membership had infiltrated every government, at or near the highest levels, on planet Earth, as well as every legitimate space travel program (e.g., N.A.S.A.) and substantial corporation, media conglomerate, scientific research facility, think tank institution, policy center, bank, and financial institution.

Between the turn of the 21st Century and Dr. Scott Childress’s 2075 discovery and invention of the first quantum drive, many top scientists (members of the Ancient Order) working at CERN helped to pave the way for Dr. Childress’s 2075 discovery. While Dr. Childress was not a member of the Ancient Order himself, two of his top team leaders were: Dr. Johnathan Crenowl, and Dr. Sathian Klamentor. As is often the case, history remembers only the most prominent actors involved in any ancient endeavor. While it is widely known and remembered that Dr. Childress stood next the President on National Television, in 2075, to announce the invention of the quantum drive—most have long forgotten that Dr. Crenowl was also there, standing opposite of Dr. Childress.

Between 2113 and the tragedy on Mars (2125), where terraforming scientists and workers were killed, the Ancient Order prominently remained a part of and actively engaged in all things related to space travel, including all governments and institutions that touched or affected space travel. By this time, the highest leadership within the Ancient Order, and particularly then Grand Master Jean-Lek Picdaeo, had reached the conclusion that space travel would become the next “cold Holy road” necessary for the Ancient Order to protect. While largely motivated by benevolent aspirations, this objective was also internally driven by sincere concern for humanity and what we might find and how we might change amongst the stars. Due to these concerns, and in the year 2115, the Ancient Order secretly established an internal autonomous action committee called the “Eden Council,” led by Grand Master Jean-Lek Picdeo’s closest friend, Admiral Traevin Javelin (after whom the Javelin Destroyer would later be named, due to his many successes and exploits). The purpose of the Eden Council was to keep a watchful eye on all things touching and related to space travel and exploration, and to establish the plans, programs, and protocols necessary to protect humanity, in these new and entirely unknown endeavors.

A couple hundred years passed, and humanity was ready to push deep into the great black dark unknown sea of space—where no human or Earthly speculation could fathom the various prospects, possibilities, or dangers lying in wait for humanity. In 2232, at the launch of the Artemis, though Captain Lisa Danvers (commanding the Artemis) was not a member of the Ancient Order—her brother was, as well as her chief engineer, Arthur Kenlo, and her two senior most sub-commanders. Through her brother, Captain Danvers knew, vaguely, about the Ancient Order’s concern for space travel. And, due to her brother’s persuasions, she agreed to assist and apprise the society indirectly. Between its inception, in 2115, and 2232, the Eden Council had diligently maintained its focus and objectives, watching with an unceasingly hawkish eye—waiting for the seminal moment in history when the Ancient Order would necessarily be required to assure humanity’s protection and safeguarding once more.

In 2262, after the Goodman Ship disappeared during a routine supply run to an orbital platform near Neptune, and after several other ships disappeared in the same region in the following months—the Supremitor of the Eden Council, Luke Caelum Deambulatio, commissioned a covert mission, working through other necessary governmental and scientific institutions: to determine why ships were disappearing. Later, after it became apparent that a worm whole anomaly existed—Supremitor Deambulatio ordered Captain Nick Croshaw (a member of the Ancient Order and director within the Eden Council) to (without acknowledgement of the Ancient Order) investigate and dedicate his life to discovering the wormhole, and how to control it. Thanks to Supremitor Deambulatio and the Eden Council—humanity discovered how to navigate jump points.

More time transpired, the solar system shrunk, space and time shrunk, and the entire world came together in 2380, at the World Summit, to discuss traveling the stars as “humans,” and not as separate peoples from separate nations on Earth. Out of the World Council, it was announced that all Earthly governments would unite to form the single United Nations of Earth (UNE). However, little known to mainstream history—is the fact that those negotiations very nearly failed, and would have failed but for a presentation made by the Eden Council’s envoy to the World Summit. In a closed door and secret closed session of the World Summit, the Eden Council’s envoy, known historically only as “Ota”, presented to the assembly, providing vague and sparse but essential details about the Eden Council (omitting its name and specific origins) and its millennia old mission (to protect travelers and humanity) and centuries old actions to track the progress of space travel and exploration. The envoy presented private research conducted by the Eden Council, as well as its findings (the details of which are unknown and undocumented). The presentation led to the unarguable conclusion that humanity would make contact with alien life in no more than 100 years’ time. The envoy convinced the assembly that such contact, without Earth being united, could very likely spell doom for the human race. Beyond avoiding extinction, if Humanity desired to be a significant player in interstellar matters—Earth must come together as a single whole, and must unite and share all available power, resources, and technologies. As a direct result, the UNE was established.

From the time of Ota’s 2380 envoy to the World Summit, one representative from the “body” (name redacted to outsiders) that sent that envoy (i.e., the Eden Council)—was and has been allowed to sit (as a non-voting-member) in the highest halls of the World Government, to assist in matters related to space travel and exploration. Because of this, and due to the research presented by the envoy at the 2380 World Summit, the Eden Council’s liaison to the UNE was part of the delegation that met with first contact alien life, after Vernon Tar’s first contact with the Banu. The liaison’s action that day, and subsequently, were key in the eventual signing of the Interstellar Peace and Trade Accord with the Banu. In part, this was due to a side conversation (and what ensued therefrom) that occurred between the Eden Council’s liaison and a top ranking officer in the Banu delegation, at the meeting where communications finally became enabled between the two races. The liaison realized much faster than all others—that the Banu were a mercantile race, focused on trade, profit, and extreme professional specialization. Due to this, and succeeding in aligning the Banu’s interests with Eden Council’s interests—the liaison and several others from Eden Council were gifted “sacred” ancient Banu Merchantman space vessels, which have been passed down from Eden Council leader to Eden Council leader since that time. These vessels are specially marked and, even today, whenever appearing, represent and indicate a very high and special significance within both the UNE/UPE and the Banu Protectorate. From that fateful conversation and what ensued afterward—several alliances have formed with Eden Council, deep within the Banu Protectorate and its political machinery. These alliances have enabled Eden Council to have far reaching influence and access to business, commerce, information, intelligence, technology, and science—on a vast interstellar level. At times, the Eden Council’s knowledge, foresight, and intelligence regarding interstellar matters—outstrips that of the UNE/UPE.

As with the discovery of the Banu, the Eden Council and its liaison to the UPE were involved in the 2530 first contact with the Xi’an. After the Gaia Planet Services company’s attempt to terraform a planet without permission, and the ensuing discovery of the Xi’an race (who took the terraformers hostage for 57 days after first contact)—Eden Council and the Grand Master of the Ancient Order determined that it was time for a more aggressive approach to protecting humanity, amidst its travels and travails through the stars. The result of this was Eden Council Supremitor Jim Kirkingham’s commissioning and establishment of Vengeance of the Innocent (otherwise known as “Vengeance” or “VOTI”), with Vengeance falling directly under the umbrella of The Ancient order of the Knights Templar, thereby forming a trilateral body within and between the Ancient Order, Eden Council, and Vengeance. This was done with the permission of the Grand Master of the Ancient Order. Since that time, this organizational structure has been called the “Triumverate.” And, the same name also applies to the highest leadership within Vengeance, which, at its highest level, is comprised of three equal persons. This sometimes makes for confusing conversation, but it is too old and historically engrained to change at this point.

Eden Council remains enmeshed within the UPE and provides excellent intelligence to Vengeance, as well as the Grand Master and other highly select leaders from the Ancient Order. Through those engagements, Eden Council and, as its military arm, Vengeance have directly and significantly been involved in the Tevarin wars, Terran sovereignty, peace being achieved with the Xi’an, prosecution of Imperator Messer XI for his crimes, aiding in the electronic hacking efforts and dissemination of information to disempower Imperator Messer XI, Imperator Erin Toi coming to power, passage of the Fair Chance Act, and—as a pinnacle to Eden Council’s centuries old endeavors—the original conception of and, later, the building of the Ark Space Station.

Over the many millennia and centuries of the existence of The Ancient Order of the Knights Templar, of Eden Council, and of Vengeance—it is singularly Vengeance’s mission (and by extension the mission of all three)—to protect all true innocence, and to forge relationships and connections that will aid in beneficial interstellar travel, trade, and culture. Wherever interstellar conflict exists, Vengeance’s (and the Triumverate’s) concern—is solely to aid, assist, and protect humanity. In the absence of conflict against the human race—protecting true innocence is the guidepost that determines Vengeance’s actions. If you act contrary to this—you will zealously be prosecuted by any and all means—WITHOUT LIMITATION!


VOTI is a corporate consortium primarily engaged in exploration, trade, commerce, and security, and is pledged to help the innocent whenever possible.

History shows that the weak remain so, until they claim their rights and endeavor to protect those rights for themselves and others.

The fringes of space (our HOME of choice) provide the greatest resources, future, expansion, and beneficial evolution for mankind; however, fringe space also posses a particular threat from those with less than innocent motives.

In addition to conducting our business, VOTI protects the truly innocent from harm (when possible), seeks to uphold a society where business and human advancement thrive, and we endeavour to uphold honesty and integrity. Though, Vengeance does and will partner with less than pristine individuals and elements, when necessary, to achieve the Greater Good.


Sharing the Wealth

All VOTI members will share in the benefits and profits of VOTI’s activities, as fairly determined based on involvement and activity in VOTI and/or in specific engagements. The lion share of profits will be distributed amongst VOTI members involved in a specific engagement from which profits were earned for VOTI.


Applicability of taxes or fees will be determined at a later time.

Hostile Engagement Policy

No VOTI member shall engage another in battle, except in the following circumstances:

1. You are not the aggressor against any true innocence;
2. Those you attack, deserve it; and
3. You are acting to either: a) defend yourself or others, b) protect property, or c) protect against future attacks or threats.

Integrity & NO Piracy Policy

VOTI members are forever expected to act honestly and with integrity toward true innocense. VOTI’s name is built on this standard! Furthermore, VOTI will not tolerate any member engaging in piracy on or against any innocense.