Victory or Valhalla / VOV

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Space Vikings

All are welcome and all are welcome to be in as many orgs as they like. No rules other than treat others as you wish to be treated, fly and die with honor!


With roots tracing back to settlers seeking a better life in the Osiris system as humble workers and militia members trying to protect their families and their land claims, the VoV was founded by brothers standing shoulder to shoulder to hold their own. No matter what life threw at them. As time went on, we welcomed more into the family and spread across the galaxy with the goal of helping people find a better life.

Each planet we set foot on, we set out to leave our mark. Combat vets, brilliant technical minds, industrial leaders, business savvy scholars. We all stand together for a better tomorrow and to leave our mark on history.

As the year turned 2953 we joined together to fly and die with honor in the Stanton system. We invite you to become part of the family and join us.

Brothers not by blood, but by oath. Hold your shields high and weapons at the ready for your fellow warrior.


Victory or Valhalla

Our creed is one of honor. The kind where you spill your blood for brothers bound in oath.

-We fly together, fight together, and die together.
-It is better to die in honor than live in shame. Eat that horse.
-Always defend yourself and your family.
-Contribute to the Org. By hand or coin, be a part.
-Respect is earned, not given.
-Fly true to yourself but don’t bring shame to the org.
-We dont have to be your only Org, just dont peer for an enemy.


Come join the brotherhood, all with honor are welcome!