Vanguard Protocol Operatives / VPO

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

Hello and a warm welcome to the Vanguard Protocol Organization page. We would like to invite your interest in our organization weather it be an application or a task in game. Clients can be assured of our professional quality service and discretion. Nothing is off limits for the right price.


Vanguard Protocol was formed from the remnants of an old Battlefield Platoon. Initially a Battlefield exclusive clan, we diversified and embraced a number of games including Battlefield, DayZ and now Star Citizen. The old clan was regimented with many rules and regulations, however, our new incarnation is basically rule free, although civility and a dedication to our members is of course a natural way to treat your buddies. Our recruitment strategy has never been aggressive, we prefer a word of mouth approach and in game chance meetings have accounted for some of our best members which we put down to our general gaming ethos and prowess in game. Historically we are “crowd funded” with members that are able to donate doing so, and helping to fund the resources we use. These resources include our main website, our free to join Teamspeak 3 server and battlefield 3/4 gaming servers. We are eagerly awaiting the full release of Star Citizen and can’t wait to enjoy the “Verse”. We are a dedicated team that strives to do better should we fail and practices humility where we dominate.


The intentions and goals of Vanguard Protocol Operatives are simple we look after each other whether from UEE security, pirates or other clans. Our aim is simple to be a know organisation in the verse not to be messed with and make people who do pay for it.


Vanguard Protocol has a few rules that must be followed:

  • Show respect to other members
  • Follow guidelines and instructions by admins and officers then all will be well