Warbros / WARBROS

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Transport
  • Trading

Stronk like ox. Stronk forever.


[Thought for the day
“Well, submarines are basically the sharks of the ocean.”]


Warbros are expected to have polite, safe, wholesome fun, in space.

[Thought for the day
“Goodnight Decoy.”]


*i. All Warbros can and will go at or above the fastest of fast traveling limits.

ii. Failing item i., a Warbro may undertake a transfast state where he/she/xhe/him/xhim/her/xher identifies as fast.

iii. Upon accordance of item ii. the offending bro is hereby shit.

iv. Goodnight Decoy.

v. Warbros are expected to contain illicit activities to their own detriment, untagged, as to preserve the agency and neutrality of the banner. Make use of proper avenues. Do not pull other bros into your own personal wars without achieving consensus among peerage.*

vi. Contrary to belief, the leader is not a wheelchair. He is a hoverchair.

vii. Neros’ 300i is henceforth declared as Warbros’ interstellar lettuce cart due to velocity impairment. All future succulents and tubers raised by any Warbro thus will always be loaded into his cargo bay. Slowly.

viii. Vocal Chords are considered unfit for ripping/tearing/rending/detaching as per Warbros standard operating procedure. Such discretion is further urged upon any and all British hospital ships of the Warbros fleet. Any such actions will be condemned for being absolutely denorable.

ix. Warbros officer advancement is a cyclical path akin to chutes and ladders running under old estonian maritime law; wherein the climber is subject to immediate demotion upon attempt of promotion. Lizardry is contemptable under this statute.

x. All motions brought about by any and all Warbros will be carefully considered, for two weeks™

xi. You, and all versions thereof, are in fact, not Piccolo, fam. – Ligeia 2015’