Weyland-Yutani Mining Corp / WAYCO

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Security

Weyland-Yutani Mining Corp is dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of the universe’s resources. Our fleet of capital class ships will protect our mining operations in space, ensuring the safety of our personnel and the success of our mission.


The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has long been a leader in the mining industry, and their efforts to mine asteroids have been no exception. For decades, the company has been sending fleets of miners into space to extract valuable resources from asteroids. These miners are highly trained and experienced, and they work under the guidance of the corporation to ensure that the mining operations are conducted safely and efficiently.

The miners use a variety of tools and techniques to extract resources from asteroids, including drilling, blasting, and excavating. They also use specialized equipment to detect and analyze the composition of the asteroids, allowing them to identify the most valuable resources. The miners then use these resources to create new products and materials that can be used in a variety of industries.

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has also invested heavily in research and development to ensure that their mining operations are as efficient and safe as possible. They have developed advanced technologies that allow them to mine asteroids more quickly and with less risk. They have also implemented safety protocols to protect their miners and the environment.

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation’s mining efforts have been incredibly successful, and they have helped to create a better future for humanity. By extracting valuable resources from asteroids, they have enabled us to build better worlds. From the materials they have mined, we have been able to create new products and technologies that have improved our lives and made our world a better place.

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation’s commitment to mining asteroids has been an invaluable contribution to humanity. Their efforts have enabled us to build better worlds, and their slogan, “Building better worlds,” is a testament to their dedication to creating a better future for us all.


Weyland-Yutani is committed to advancing humanity’s exploration of space and unlocking its untapped potential. We strive to be the leader in asteroid mining, utilizing our fleet of capital class ships to protect our operations. We are dedicated to providing the resources necessary to build better worlds and create a brighter future for all. Our mission is to boldly go where no one has gone before, and to bring the promise of a better tomorrow to the universe. Weyland-Yutani: Building better worlds.


Weyland-Yutani is to provide a Flotilla where employed miners have the ability to utilize our services to profit both parties. We will be operating as an impromptu space station.

Capital ship owners that give their services to the Flotilla will be given the rank of Capital-Class Manager and be in charge of ALL operations of their vessel.
Captains of Vessels have the following Duties:

Orion –
Mine or offer Refinery services to org members using our database to keep track of profits and payments.

Hull D,E –
Stay in the heart of the Flotilla next to your similar ships for maximum protection, You will be holding onto refined ore from the refineries.

Kraken –
Stay in the heart of the Flotilla next to your similar ships for maximum protection, You will be offering Repair, Refuel, Rearm Services to org employees. You are free to stock and maintain your own goods and upgrades to sell onboard (Privateer).

Javelin –
Stay in the heart of the Flotilla next to your similar ships to provide maximum protection, You will be protecting the flotilla AT ALL COSTS. You will not leave your post to engage in distant combat until a Division Director gives you the authority to engage in distant combat. You are VITAL to the protection of the floatilla and must move with it.

Idris –
Your duties are to lead squadrons of the Corporate Protection Services around the protection range of the organization. Idris owners will use the hangars to house heavy fighters until a threat arises.

Polaris –
Your duties are to Patrol around the protection range of the organization. You are expected to take out ANY capital class ship that is deemed a threat to the miners or the flotilla. You will be ON CALL to investigate any reports of a large or capital ship entering Corporate Restricted Airspace unannounced. You are the first line of defense against foreign capital ships and will be expected to hold off the enemy capital ship until the Javelins are dispatched to aid you.

Light Fighters –
Members of the Corporate Security are to patrol the protection range of the organization. You are to attack any hostile entity in the protection range and protect org miners. You are to use the Org database to make sure no threats are within the protection range. If you encounter a threat contact your Divisional Director so that the appropriate combat assistance is provided.

Heavy Fighters –
Members of the Corporate Security with Heavy fighters will be assigned to an Idris if available and will be under their command. You are free to use the Idris’ Amenities until you are dispatched to a threat. Your commander on the Idris will alert you to combat and warp to the engagement. You are to Inflict heavy losses to whatever threat you go against. Your commanding Idris will aid you in combat.

Bombers/Torp –
Members of the Corporate Security with Bombers will be assigned to a Commanding Polaris. You are to Patrol with the Polaris to any reports of a Capital-Class foreign ship in OR near the protection range of the org. You are part of the first line of defense against a Capital-Class Threat.

Miners are the blood of the organization. You will be the only way the org makes profit.

Heavy Miners –
You are going to be mining resources to give to the refinery ships. You are expected to communicate with the refinery ships to let them know information on ore given. You will be paid based off your contribution to the Company Account on ore type/quantity minus the convenience fee of refining and protection. As a Heavy Miner you will be given Priority Queue to kraken landing pads.

Light/Solo Miners –
You are going to be mining resources to give to the refinery ships. You are expected to communicate with the refinery ships to let them know information on ore given. You will be paid based off your contribution to the Company Account on ore type/quantity minus the convenience fee of refining and protection. As a Light miner you will not have landing priority unless you have an emergency.

70% of profit will go to the miners.
30% of profit will go to the protection/refinery services

NOTE: Contractors will not get paid from the company account and will profit as normal.

You will get paid based off the value provided to the Corporate Account for that day. Your contributions will be logged in the database and you will get paid out a fair share of the Corporate Account based off your productivity.

You will get paid based off your vessel brought and threats engaged out of the Corporate Account.

You will get paid 25% of the PROTECTION/REFINERY Service daily portion of the Corporate Account. Each Captain will get paid based off the Tonnage of ore refined out of the total tonnage refined for that day.

You will be selling for profit and will keep any profit from items sold. Fuel, Repair, Rearm costs for everyone but miners will be paid for by the Corporation at the End of Day. You are considered a Contractor.