Specialised Weapons Squadron / WEAPONS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

No matter the job, we have the gun.


Specialised Weapons Squad(ron) (sWs for short) has had a long and varied gaming history that we have cultivated over the last decade and beyond. Starting off in first person shooters circa 2000, firstly Star Trek Elite Force 1 and 2, and then moving on to Unreal Tournament 2004, where we ran one of the most popular ONS servers before branching out into Counter Strike: Source, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield Bad Company 2 and more recent games such as Overwatch and other popular team based shooters.

sWs has always focused on teamwork and cooperation to guarantee victory, and we hope to carry these principles to the stars.


Specialised Weapons Squadron believes in having the right gun for the right job. We rely on our members to bring something unique to the table in order for us to fulfill our objective. We have found that cooperation and teamwork between varying play-styles is the best combination to victory be it logistics, manufacturing or shooting someone in the face point blank.

We believe in fair play, unorthodox problem solving and fun. It’s a game, so it should be fun!


Duties and Rules of Membership

1. Keep up to date on clan events. Communicate with others particularly via Discord.

2. Be Active. It’s a game and real life always comes first but we would appreciate it if you do make an effort to be online on a regular basis or at least to let us know if you’re going to be absent for a significant amount of time.

3. Attend clan events; we will try and hold regular events/missions for everyone to participate in, attendance will not be compulsory but we strongly advise that you make an effort to show up if you want to progress!

4. Behave respectfully and in the spirit of sportsmanship when playing in our organisation. When you talk on other clans Discord/in-game chat, you represent our clan. Don’t get into arguments/name-calling etc. with members of other organisations. We expect a certain level of maturity from the membership.

5. Help Us Make the Clan Stronger and to be better by discussing our issues of concern to the membership, if you are becoming unhappy in the clan let the Admiralty know because it may be the first indications of something going wrong, which will help us address the issue/problem quickly before there is an impact on the clan.

6. The authority of the Admiralty is absolute, however they are only human and acknowledge that there are times when mistakes can be made and will be willing to listen to petitions from the membership in cases where it is felt that the wrong decision has been reached.

This is a Living Document – It changes from time to time as events happen. Please monitor it and give us feed back – You can put forward amendments and suggestions to the Admiralty.