• Faith
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Welcome degenerates, welcome to the beginning of new levels of degeneracy!


Formed in the fires of New Eden, like minded WEEBs from across the galaxy saw a symbol and answered the call to form a corporation that has spread to various space games. We have never been the best when it comes to organization, numbers, tactics, ships, or pretty much anything, but we did have a shared love for culture. If you are a fellow man of culture and want to explore the galaxy with a anime skinned ship and not be judged for it then join us.

But remember, your waifu will always be trash.



We are all WEEBs but there are some lines that need to be drawn ;)

  • Do not share any illegal content anywhere in Org channels.
  • Zero tolerance for racism/homophobia or any other form of prejudices.
  • Keep all NSFW content to its specific channels in discord and never in RSI based forums/spectrum. We don’t really use them anyways.


You know why you are here, come join your brothers and sisters in accepting your degeneracy. Thick or flat, dummy or smart, all are welcome. Put down your body pillow and grab a seat on the best ride in town, while we may not be the most coordinated, well funded, largest, or even good looking org, we do have the most fun. [disclaimer: getting runover by org mates counts as fun]

Check us out and talk trash about each others waifus.
