White As Crimson / WHITECRMSN

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

An organization based on Christian morals, values, and virtues. WC strives to be helpful, encouraging, and provide a Christian environment to gaming.

Gamers are not required to be Christian to join, but it is requested and expected that respect for the Christian faith is given.


White as Crimson started around 2020 with the idea that casual gamers (ex. players who have a family, jobs/careers, dedicated hobby, etc.) can come to Star Citizen when their time allows. When that chance arrives, players can come to White as Crimson and be at ease with a Christian environment.

White as Crimson is a description of how Christs’ blood was shed for all. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we are righteous in His sight. By His victory over sin, death, and the devil through His death and resurrection, we are White as Crimson.


White as Crimson believes….

That the Bible, without error, is the true Word of God.

That Jesus is God and that our sins are forgiven. And if we believe, and repent, we will be saved and one day be with Jesus in Heaven.

That we are to love as* Christ loves us*.

That we should be respectful, kind, caring, helpful and loving, just as Jesus *is for us.*


Be respectful.

Be patient.

Be there for each other.

Have fun!