Hellcats / WILDWING

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Security

Hellcats are here to provide Security for and/or Transportation Services for your high value cargo. We also provide Bounty Hunting when your target has stepped outside the law. We are the one fleet you can trust to get the job done when it needs done right.


Hellcat Transportation and Security Inc. was founded by Marcus Wild aka. “Wildfire” with ships left to him by his father Thomas Wild. After serving in the UEE navy for many years Thomas Wild struck out on his own. He made his way in the verse the only way he knew how flying and fighting. It didn’t always lead him down the right path in life but he was successful at what he did.

Many only knew Mr. Wild as a business man, husband and father. However, upon his death his son was handed a MobiGlas that would change that view forever. It told of of the evil men Thomas once lead and how he met his future wife when he attacked the frigate Southern Sun. It told of the cargo he took. A cargo of great value and how he used it to start a new life. It gave directions to an abandoned hangar containing the ships his son would use to start the Hellcats. We’ve since upgraded our hangar and others have joined. But it was from these humble beginning that Hellcats where formed. A rebirth so to speak. The ships that were once used by Marcus to kill and plunder are now reborn and used to protect those they once preyed upon. It is because of this rebirth that the Phoenix is the symbol used by the Wilds as their family crest to this very day.


Hellcats will be run as a business. We’ll split the Net Profit for each run with those members that took part in said run. This is true rather you’re flying escort, manning a gun or driving the cargo ship. We are all equal partners.


Hellcat Rules

  • Be honest and honorable. Don’t cheat, steal, transport illegal substances, lie or use language unbecoming a member of the Hellcats.
  • Don’t attack another player without direct cause.
  • Always come to the aid of a Hellcats member when asked.
  • Do not make deals on behalf of Hellcats. Please refer all job requests to officers.
  • Stay Active. We can’t succeed without you.