Equestria / WILL

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Social

I will be exploring the universe learning its behaviors and ways of living as i help others fight to survive, hoping to be able to call some my friends. But i will be doing all i can to try to build up a part of the PU to some day create or form a place that can be called a place of harmony.


This organization will not be active until i start learning the PU. Im just creating this just to have it exist from the beginning. I will always be following my heart for peace and happiness, but it going to take a lot of fighting to do so, you can join this group if you want but there will be very little group meets or missions that i do since its so bloody early in the game. now if you want i will always try to help me friends if possible, and depending on the chat in game this could be a more secure way of talking to each other or sending out a SOS without it being intercepted. I fight and die for happiness and if you do too, we will fight together side by side. Join the Herd if you fight for Harmony

PS. Twily is awesome X3


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.