Scarlett & Associates / WILLBANGOK

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Scarlet Organization is a very experienced company of pilots and astronauts uniting together to make a great team of collecting all the resources and sharing it, This team is specialize,We are specialized with Banging Ms Scarlet, if you are interested please contact us.

will bang ok.


As an exploring and Trading organization, we respect every people and culture. Thus we expect the same from our competitors and partners.

If we help a faction and the opposing faction is asking for our help, we will help them too.

Hostility, Any hostility against us is answered by banging from za back


An exploration group outfitted with ships of different roles offer the most likely formula for success.

One ship will have difficulty doing everything alone. If you are chartered for an exploration run into an undiscovered void, the IEC will be there as your wingmen, helping you accomplish your mission. Your cost is dedication to the group you are running the charter with. Help another charter with a support role. Perhaps additional cargo space in your ship. Perhaps you fly a fighter escort for the group. Perhaps you fly point, allowing your advanced sensor scans lead the charter in the correct direction. Perhaps your ship has a low signature or hidden storage to help transport ‘gray’ materials.

The verse is a big place. Anyone venturing out into the black is subject to those of lesser moral ground, making it a dangerous place. Exploration takes you out of secured shipping lanes into undiscovered nothing.
Best case: there’s something of value.
Worst case: there’s someone else, thinking YOU look like todays paycheck.
Membership with the S&A will help negate these worst case scenarios. The goal of the S&A is to unite like minded ships and crew so that they can cooperate to achieve their individual goals. A small group of ships and minds are more likely to accomplish their goals than is a solo ship.

S&A Are Looking For Alliances!

If you are an organisation based in the Oceanic region, we are looking to form alliances with you!

We are looking for:
Organisations or Corporations of any size
Do not engage in piracy
Looking to form long lasting relationships that will benefit both org


Core Values

Generally speaking, as long as the following rules are met you should never find yourself subject to get bang from za back:
-No slave trading
-Ensure a friendly atmosphere and love each other.
-Ensure the privacy of our members.
-Comply with both international and domestic law
-Don’t be a dickhead” – ask before you bang someone.
-Be sweet to each other
-Don’t steal from, or bang, kill or extort any member within the group, without Mrs Scarlett permission
-Findings are split up will be negotiated beforehand.
-No piracy or theft
Anyone violating this word of trust will be very harshly dealt with

What We Expect Of Our Members

-To get involved in the running of the organisation
-To have fun