WubbaLubbaDubDub / WLDD

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Piracy
  • Exploration

this is org consists of only friends and like-minded people.
we don’t actively recruit anyone nor plan to anytime soon without playing with that person for a while first

Languages: German / English

we do what we want…may it be mining, trading, bounty hunting, piracy or whatever


*there is a realm of existence
so far beyond your own
you cannot even imagine it

you exist, because we allow it
you die, because we demand it

we do not forgive
we do not forget
because we are eternal*


we are legion
the time of our return is coming

you people have been chosen
to reveal our existence to the world

you will witness what happens here today
and you will tell of it later

bring on the weak and the strong
because all will die


let the galaxy burn!