WOD Universal / WODAP

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Seek the Darkness and find its center, only there you will find your peace!


Since the early days in the metaverse on Dragonfly to the lands of the One Ring.. we have found our way past the two towers and broke off our Rust to find ourselves in space.

Among the stars we labored as Space Engineers and searched for Empyrion. That is until we came upon a gate that sent us to a realm of Scrolls and Dragons. After a time we set sail across the Atlas to seek out the land of Valheim.

There we await our time in the universe to continue our journey to become Citizens of the Stars.


Who We Are

We are a very casual group of players that are family or have been friends outside of gaming for many years. We seek only to exist and to enjoy our time when we enter the ‘verse and will help others when the goal is the same. Those that join us find us rather relaxed but loyal.

What We Do

In short, just about anything to survive. Some of our people go mining, chase bounties, haul cargo, even smuggle people and things past the authorities, to name a few things. We even have a doctor or two. We don’t right care what it is you do. We don’t hold back anyone from playing how they want to, nor be what they want to. but we ain’t pirates!

Do We have A Command Structure?

Well, kinda. Our Founders mostly take the lead on helping out new people get their space legs. We don’t have any chain of command except when onboard someone else’s ship. Typically the owner assigns who is Captain, and we all just listen to that person. One thing for sure, everyone gets a turn as the pilot.

How Much Dedication And Activity Do You Expect?

We don’t. Just don’t be a jerk when you are around.

Are You Role-Play-Friendly?

We got no problem with role-players but most of our activities will not involve role-playing, as the majority of our members are not role-players.

Anything We Missed Or Ready To Join?

For questions feel free to contact one of our founders or if you are ready to join then go ahead and apply through our organization page. Someone will reach out to you when we get a chance. Thanks for stopping by!


Original quote about our Charter from one of the Founders, JayTheBosun:

It’s real simple. If we like you, we let you join. If you’re an asshat, we let you drift. You understand?