Wolves of the Lost Sector / WOTLS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Engineering
  • Resources

Fear the lone wolf, for he has nothing left to lose and everything to gain.

The pack will not be too far behind.

Fear the pack even more


Founded on the principals of freedom. We are those that will enjoy the free Verse to the fullest and contribute back to it in equal spades. The pack is for support, stability, and protection. Whether solo or grouped, obey the laws of free citizens and retribution on those who seek to abolish those freedoms.

We will aim to support all law abiding activities to its fullest extent.

Prohibited activities: Griefing, pad-ramming, unlawful PVP


Go forth, prosper and be vigilant. The pack is a well oiled community from the bottom to the top. Everyone one contributes their part of the process. All roles are important.

The pack will play, have fun and enjoy the verse. When threatened, the pack will defend its own. When hungry, the pack will hunt.


TRUTH – the willingness to be honest and to say what one knows to be true and right. It is often better to not say anything at all if one cannot be honest.

“Swear no oath
But what you mean to abide by:
A halter awaits the word breaker,
Villainous is the wolf-of-vows.”

HONOR – the feeling of inner value and worth from which one knows that one is noble of being, and the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world.

“A bonny fire is a blessing to man,
and eke the sight of the sun,
his hearty health, if he holds it well,
and to live one’s life without shame.

All undone is no one, though at death’s door he lie:
some with good sons are blessed,
and some with kinsmen, or with coffers full,
and some with deeds well-done.”

FIDELITY/LOYALTY – the will to be loyal to one’s pack, to one’s beliefs, to one’s self, and loyalty to one’s friends was as valued as highly as loyalty to one’s family.

“If you find a friend you fully trust
And wish for his good-will,
exchange thoughts,
exchange gifts,
Go often to his house”

DISCIPLINE – the willingness to be hard on oneself first and then if needed help with the development with others, so that greater purposes may be achieved. We must always be hardest on ourselves, to set the example.

“Early shall he rise who rules few servants,
And set to work at once:
Much is lost by the late sleeper,
Wealth is won by the swift.”

HOSPITALITY – the willingness to share what one has with one’s pack.

“Fire is needed by the newcomer
Whose knees are frozen numb;
Meat and clean linen a man needs
Who has fared across the fells,
Water, too, that he may wash before eating,
Hand cloth’s and a hearty welcome,
Courteous words, then courteous silence
That he may tell his tale.”

INDUSTRIOUSNESS – the willingness to work hard, always striving for efficiency, as a joyous activity in itself. It is vital that we work hard at what we seek to achieve, for without consistent and well-directed effort, our goals will not be reached. But it does not mean that we should work all the time, indeed one should be industrious in ones leisure pursuits as well, and avoid the concept of making work for the sake of having work to do.

“Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But the good name never dies
Of one who has does well.”

SELF-RELIANCE – the spirit of independence, which is achieved not only for the individual, but also for the family and pack. Ensuring that one can take care of oneself first, then ones family and loved ones, then the pack. Strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is it’s pack. Take care of yourself first, because if you don’t, you are no good in the pack.

PERSEVERANCE – the ability to stand up and return from defeat and failure. Each time we have a setback, we recognize this, and if the purpose is a true one we continue until success is won.

“Better alive than lifeless be,
to the quick fall ay the cattle,
the hearth fire burned for the happy heir-
outdoors a dead man lay
May the halt ride a horse, and the handless be herdsman,
the deaf man may doughtily fight,
a blind man is better than a burn one ay;
of what gain is a good man dead?”

— all quotes are taken from the Hávamál, a poetic collection from Old Norse