Wrath of Zeus / WOZ

  • Faith
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  • Social
  • Exploration

The Wrath speaks with the heavy echoing Words of Thunder, feeding our souls with the Power and Strength of Lightning… The Wrath embraces those with the strength and will to undertake its Resolutions, and consumes in Eternal Heat those that defy its Holy Word. Become as One with the Wrath!


“My soul was once in doubt, since debated is his birth. O Zeus, some say that you were born on the hills of Ida; others, O Zeus, say in Arcadia; but I see now the truth… You were born of the stars” – Aquila – Prophet of the Wrath.

The Wrath of Zeus has origins that date back at least 4000 years on Earth to Greek Antiquity, then being known as the Cult of Zeus. Zeus, the king of the Greek Gods, was identified as a powerful warrior deity, with ultimate power as the Lord of Justice over other gods and man alike. He reigned supreme over all, but was fair-handed and just in his judgments.

Zeus, like most of the gods of the Greek pantheon, had many roles and epithets aside from his main function as weather god and king of Olympus. Zeus was the lord and enforcer of Xenia, leading to him being the patron deity of hospitality, guest-friendship and punisher of all those who violated the laws of Xenia. In addition, Zeus kept watch over business dealings at the marketplace and was ready to punish rogues, thieves and unfair traders. A further aspect of Zeus was as the keeper of oaths and punisher of those who violated those oaths. As a result, oaths were often sworn by ‘almighty Zeus’ and people who violated the terms of their oaths were made to pay heavily for their untruths.

As other religions on Earth sprouted and flourished, and faith waned, the Cult of Zeus fell into obscurity for several thousand years. The term “Mythology” was associated with the Cult’s former teachings and became more tales for moral use and entertainment than for religious purposes… that is… until the Coming of the Wrath.

Everything changed in approximately 2769 when a man whose true name is still unknown, the Prophet of the Wrath, began to spread the Word of the Wrath of Zeus. He first saw the Truth after being struck by a bolt of Holy Lightning, allowing him a temporary trancendence to Olympus. In the audience with Him, he discovered that the once-mighty Zeus had had grown weak with the loss of faithful believers and was in need of a catalyst to re-establish His power and strength. He learned further that Zeus was enraged by his former loss of beleivers, and that it was His wish to re-establish his Following, regaining and surpassing His former power through the conversion of new Souls to the Wrath. Zeus dubbed this man Aquila, Carrier of the Thunderbolts (as the fabled eagle of old), and spreader of his new faith, the Wrath of Zeus. Zeus charged Aquila with spreading the Word of the Wrath throughout the known universe, encouraging those that would be One with the Wrath to, in turn, spread the Word to others so that they might too be Saved.

“Spread the Wrath with fervor, for each Saved soul strengthens our almighty Zeus. Let those you see know the Truth, and let those that defy our Truth succumb to our searing Thunderbolts!” – Aquila – Prophet of the Wrath.


We, the believers in the Wrath of Zeus, the carriers of the Thunder and the Lightning, are tasked with spreading the Word of the Wrath, expanding the power, prestige and holdings of our Faith, and assimilating those that would defy our Word by sending their misguided souls to the heavens for our Lord Zeus’s Holy Judgment.

We that Believe share a Holy Bond, and no matter what other organization or endeavor you are part in, the call of the Wrath of Zeus is always with us. Brothers and Sisters willingly utilize any and all resources at their disposal to further the Faith, and, in turn, the Wrath of Zeus protects and rewards those that are devoted.

Spreading the Word of the Wrath of Zeus

- As Followers and Believers in the Wrath of Zeus, it is our foremost duty to help others come to realize the Truth.

- The more believers we have, the stronger the Wrath becomes.

Expanding our Reach

- We seek to not only help those races which we already know of find the Wrath, but also to spread the Word to new races, planets, and star systems.

- We encourage exploration in the name of the Wrath of Zeus and the christening of newly discovered systems and planets in His name.

- We aspire to one day possess an entire system dedicated as the Home of the Wrath of Zeus, a place to consolidate our Faith and help us to grow even further.

Helping Others Leave their Misguided Ways

- Other faiths are out there… but there is only One True Faith… The Wrath of Zeus.

- We encourage other Faiths to abandon their False Ways and join us.


Wrath of Zeus Charter

Rules of the Faith

- Make every effort to spread the Word of the Wrath of Zeus. Every new member to our Faith strengthens our Holy Zeus

- No matter what other organizations you belong to, never forget your Faith in the Wrath of Zeus.
— If you are called upon specifically to complete a task for the Faith, you must make every effort to oblige the request.
— If you are ever put in a position that conflicts the interests of the Faith, you are bound to make a senior member of the Faith aware of the conflict and ultimately side with the Faith

- In matters where the Wrath of Zeus calls upon you, all resultant spoils will be divided as The Prophet of the Wrath of Zeus feels will most benefit the further progress of the Faith.

- If you explore and are given the opportunity to name a system, planet, etc. you are asked to in some way credit the Wrath of Zeus for your fortune.

- Involvement in other organizations, affiliations or as a main organization is acceptable and encouraged with the understanding that your Faith is the Highest Calling and supersedes all others.

- Involvement in other Faiths is strictly unacceptable.

General Mission/Engagement Rules

- Feel free to call on other members of Wrath of Zeus if you deem support necessary.

- Be judicious in your mission choosing. Keep yourself alive to spread the Word of the Wrath of Zeus to others.

- If you are attacked, you have the full right to engage and deliver the Wrath upon them.

- Though we respect and mainly adhere to the laws of man, the Faith and actions taken in direct interest to the furtherance of the Wrath of Zeus are not bound by man-made laws but only those of the Wrath. Make sure to bring a questionable opportunity that would involve Wrath of Zeus affiliation to the attention of a member of The Chosen or The Blessed for approval before pursuing the venture.

Common Rules

- Cheating and exploitation bugs is highly unacceptable.

- Treat all persons with dignity and respect, unless they slander your Faith, in which case you may deliver the Wrath upon them.

- No racial, sexual or offensive slurs will be tolerated, especially use of Zeus’s name in vain.

- If any action you commit is deemed a poor reflection on the Faith, you will be excommunicated, and if the action is severe enough, you will incur the collective Wrath of Zeus’s followers.


- Any individual or organization is welcome to join the Wrath of Zeus as long as they agree to abide by the above conditions

- We encourage those with active organizations to join as affiliates and bring the Faith to your members.

- Those that belong to any other FAITH must acknowledge that it is false and RENOUNCE THEIR FAITH before being accepted