World Eaters / WRLDEATR

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Security

Blood for the Blood God!
Skulls for the Skull Throne! Join and read the rules. Anybfurther questions you can DM acesodin or thedoughty on discord


The World Eaters are a traitor legion dedicated to the Chaos God Khorne, the god of skulls, blood, and wanton slaughter.
This is a group for PvPers and 40k fans.


The discord Community ValhallaVR has started this Syndicate in an attempt to play with complete freedom, and as violent as our hearts content. On Launch, our plans are to participate in piracy, small scale planetary control, unlimited pvp with little to no alliances, and hired guns to those who pay the most. This is an 18+ community with people from all walks of life. We want our main focus in discord to be having good comm discipline during fights, but most of all to be laid back and just have a good damn time. Miners, cargo haulers and salvagers welcome as well. We won’t prevent you from independent gameplay nor will our org be ran like a communist guild. What’s yours is yours.


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