Zero-G Plumbers Contracting LLC / WTFUHOH

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

No gravity required… oh and… we may be slow but we’re expensive!


Zero-G Plumbers:

Skilled and hard working, there’s no job our people can’t handle. We come from a variety of backgrounds including transport, resource gathering, production, refining, salvage, construction, and maintenance. When not booked with clients and plumbing repairs, we go out of our way to find good times and look for opportunities to explore unknown space so that we can hand out our marketing pamphlets to new and undiscovered races… then we sell them stuff they don’t need (that is made in some backwater sweat shop where we save a lot of money in production).

Also…we blow things up from time to time and are well versed in fugitive recovery operations.

Sometimes when you have a score to settle you have to go settle it yourself, and when you can’t… CALL ZERO-G PLUMBERS CONTRACTING LLC.


We’ll do anything… especially for money. Exploration and odd/dirty jobs are our specialty.


Rule #1 Shit floats in Zero-G.

Rule#2 Look-out, man!