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  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

We are BAD.
We have no Rules.
we are the Survivors.
We are the Fighters.
We dont give a **** about anyone else.
We will not stop until the galaxy bends knees to us.
We just want to Watch The Galaxy Burn.

You are BAD? RSI didnt put a cargo hold to your ship :( ? You are looking for true fun:) ?


Light came first,Darkness came after.Colision gave birth to two souls:Life and Death. Life ruled the existance and next to him Darkness,the void.
Both served the so called BEEN,But as LIGHT looked for peace,DARKNESS fought harmony and consumed the life esence of exisrance.
But As light shine darkness faded,but as Darkness rose so did h2. EVIL.The Light was weak itself so it found PEACEKEEPERS to fight alongside
,Evil fought back with WARBRINGERS and the h3. ETERNAL WAR began…

I am just a single pawn in this game,Born trilion of years after the first existence of life.i am consumed by death born again by light,in my locker i keep many souls waiting to be reborn so as i did.I sold my soul to EVIL and dug the very foundation of the syndicate that will unleash fear and destruction upon light so the LIGHT will have a purpose to fight a day more.Every where i traveled Hate and Fear accompanied me,alone fought great battles,consumed many soul,ships sunk to my very h4. LOCKER and as they fell i ROSE.I was alone Geting stronger and wiser and now finaly i dont have to furfil a purpose alone and shal fight with great warriors side by side

IF your are BAD,Welcome to my LOCKER


Abondened in the space,destroyed by a crusader fleet,left alone to die,i realized…

Not everybody is ment to be an angel,as long as there is Light,Darkness may exist.I am not proud of what the darkness consumes in to it,i just serve to the chain of LIFE,i exist so the universe can have LIGHT. When i die Lightning Wont have a meaning and darkness will perish.

I am a Purpose
I am Survival to it finest
I am DARKNESS,Friend and Foe of LIGHT
I am Fear that reigns the hearts who opose me,Love to my comrades or Hate to who will to crush me.
I am not the Finger who pulls the triger,i am the mind who choose and judged the end of your existance.
I am the FIRE who converts Matter in to Energy and pledge sacrifice to DARKNESS
I am not a Heaten,i serve Existence it self!

