The Wyvern's Eye / WVRN

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the Wyvern’s Eye. We are ever vigilant, and will provide assistance to those in need. Discord:


The Wyvern’s Eye has just launched as a new security oriented organization. At this time, we do not have major accolades to speak of, but are looking for new members to expand our reach and influence. Stanton today, Pyro tomorrow, and eventually all of UEE space will be territory which we will reach out and provide assistance to those in need.


To provide the highest quality security and counter piracy services available within the Star Citizen player base. Our presence is to have a chilling effect on criminal behavior in any area we are operating within. If it’s red, it’s dead. If it’s one of ours, it is our responsibility.


Planned Services:
We do provide planned security services for an agreed upon fee. This will generally be negotiated by the hour based on ship type defended, number of ships defended, and number of ships requested. Standard negotiation is 10% of profit to each ship requested, though for major threats requiring more than five ships, this can be adjusted on a case by case basis.

Emergency Services:
Also known as patrol services. There is no guarantee that our pilots will get to you in time without planned services, however, we do offer scrambles of available ships to provide assistance in an emergency. These services are free, however, no member is expected to reject freely offered tips. If we save your bacon out there, it is greatly appreciated, but not required, that you send a small cut to our pilot to cover the cost of rearm and repair. The less time they spend trading, the more time they spend on patrol.