What You See / WYS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Exploration

What You See is What You Get or What You Can’t see is what you can’t get…
PURPOSE : Collect and Sale of Intel and Softening of targets
Main goal is to strategize and build a fleet of infiltrators & to have the ability of boots on the ground/station/asteroid.


Where we hail…
After generations of family serving in United Empire of Earth’s Star-fleet being the first assigned since the beginning of 2606. Shortly after Nyx I was discovered and mining operations started my progenitor Lamoine Merz navigated the Dark Nebula in his off duty time. Navigating the nebula became his obsession he had later discovered where pirates were picking off ships nearby in the nebula. He reported the activity to his superiors. They said the nebula was too dangerous, and Lamoine volunteered to do his duty anyway. Eventually the brass came around and allowed the covert operation to proceed. Those paths that he discovered were useful when he would follow their ships and infiltrate their ranks with a strafing run. Learned tactics of where the Dark Nebula was thickest stopped pirates in that region who would stay in thin areas of the Dark Nebula. Tactics learned from him have led to generations of UEE in my family to start focusing on exploration and infiltrating because what you see is important. A little known fact is it is hard to see a dumb-fire missile in the nebula because coming head-on you never see a contrail. Assembling pirates or any enemies don’t stand a chance when they don’t see us coming. There too is a lesson to be learned from my family’s service for UEE and especially Lamoine who died defending resources that were shipped off from Nyx I to Kilian in support for the United Empire of Earth’s war effort. My family, of whom all served, have fought the pirates for centuries and now after serving I have saved enough credits from my service to finally end piracy in the Nyx system and not just end my mission there.

For More Read Manifesto


After seeing the death and destruction ensured by galactic rebellion I have striven to become the best at what I do and start my own Privately held Military Corporation. My last efforts were quelling a rebellion in Delamar and since I found my center I plan on taking my anger for retribution to those that deserve the attention of UEE, “the pirates.” Since those haven’t been my recent orders I held my tongue but now I run my own show and I will take the fight where it belongs. One of the problems of running a Private Military Corporation is that the clients, or those that pay, dictate what services need rendered. On my last mission I had taken my Cutlass Black, manufactured by Drake Interplanetary, to a small unnamed asteroid settlement near Delamar. When I returned I am now absent two crew members because the military ran out of contracts for settling disputes in the asteroids by hired Private Military Corporations. The press leaked an incident where a larger PMC killed many innocent protesters; hired by UEE, unfortunately! So now I must entertain that every cloud has a silver lining, Dark Nebula cloud to be exact! I plan on doing some Rescue Missions now by upgrading my Cutless Black to a Red until the UEE gets wise and just hires me to fix the problem of the raids on shipping lanes. At which point I will upgrade my Cutlass Red to an F7C-S Hornet Ghost. Then I will take to the Dark Nebula clouds like my Greatest Grand Father of old, Lamoine Merz.


1-3-15 OPERATIONAL POLICIES AND GOALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Use our military contacts and don’t turn our backs on them. Remain ready and wiling to tackle any goals that our employer should give. Our mission is fourfold: to have the best information and intelligence network, bringing troops to the fight with ample intel and large quantities so that we are never caught unaware and outgunned, rescue those that need our assistance whether near or far, safeguard each-one in our ranks by never exposing ourselves until we are ready to strike unified and united! Some of these policies will lead our PMC to the desired goals we seek which are: 1. In order to remain strike capable we need stealth in given situations that is why only one ship will do:
  • F7C-S Hornet Ghost
    ,but also to remain strike capable we will need intelligence and that is why we will need:
  • F7C-R Hornet Tracker
2. In order to provide abilities for quick fire team support we will rely on the following ships:
3. In order to rescue and offer support to those in need whether near or far our goals will need:
4. To endeavor in providing extended military support against siege, insurrection and higher PMC functions; service dictates that our organization acquires:
  • F7C-M Super Hornet
  • Javelin Destroyer

Once we show that our services are needed to UEE then the military may reward us with our own Javelin Destroyer.
It is also our hope that continued PMC service to the UEE will allow our group to acquire retired Anvil Hornets from the military at a discounted rate.
Furthermore the PMC that we run uses many Drake Interplanetary vessels, perhaps one day we may receive special models/variants and excellent customer care catered to our needs. We want to make an impression throughout the quadrant not just in the Nyx System.

These listed ships are offered as suggestions and needs may determine changes be made; however, the ships expressed here are shown that the goals for use in situations may be clear. Needs of the mission may dictate that more than one fourfold mission is at stake and a multi-role presence is required. Thus to succeed we cannot rely on one single ship or strategy. “The WYS will rely on your needed skills most of all.”