Xenox Acquisitions Captures & Terminations Corp. / XACT

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Infiltration

The universe is an unforgiving place, full of unforgivable people.
When someone goes too far, we are the ones called.
Hunting down elusive criminals, infiltrating hidden bunkers, boarding ships…
Nothing stands between us and our targets
To criminals, we are the things that go bump in the night


Established in the year 2917, Xenox Corp quickly became the most successful and secretive PMC in the Stanton System. While PMCs normally enforce order for whoever hired them, or attack facilities or settlements on someone’s command, Xenox is different. Bringing together soldiers, tacticians, engineers, and wetwork specialists from across occupied space, they specifically specialize in maintaining order, and distributing justice to those who wrong others. Bounty hunters, spies, assassins…all these words would be a great fit for describing the members of Xenox, except for 1 glaring detail about them. They exclusively go after criminals who have wronged people. Murderers, pirates, thieves, drug lords, and anyone else who would victimize someone to achieve a goal. Those people are their only targets, and the only contracts they accept. This business model has seen the company skyrocket in popularity and demand since its founding, especially considering the extreme talent they hire to do such activities. They hire only the best of the best, vetting every member to the extreme, to make sure their ideals will be kept. They use the best ships, the best weapons, the best armor, the best technology available, and give the best training available to all their members to ensure 2 things. 1, Justice will be served against the person or group who has victimized someone, And 2, make sure their operative, or group of operatives, come back alive. And yet, even with all this, the company is very obscure. Working in the shadows and behind the scenes for most of the company’s existence has lead to an oxymoronic reputation for the company. Huge demand, amazingly high operation success averages, and multiple company locations, yet most criminals and citizens write them off as simply urban legends like bigfoot or the bogeyman. That is, until they are officially on Xenox’s radar. Once that happens, there is no escape. There is no bargaining for release or mercy. There is no beating back “the things that go bump in the night”. Once you are marked, you simply have a short amount of time before you either no longer exist, or are at the mercy of those who you wronged

——Excerpt recovered from News Report that almost aired regarding XACT——

——Side Memo To ALL STAFF—— While our company has been established and run exactly as described it the intercepted news article above, Xenox in no way allows such information to be relayed to anyone outside of the company without the EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION from one of the BIG 3. The staff member responsible for the information leak has been removed from the company, and the reporter silenced, along with all evidence of the report being eradicated. While we as a company only target those who victimize others, we NEED to remain in the shadows to work effectively, and keep our reputation among the criminal world. Refrain from allowing any concrete info, such as but not limited to, information cited in the excerpt above, from being collected by anyone not within the company


We exist for one reason, and one reason only. The universe is a cold, dark, dangerous and violent place. Most people just want to live their lives in peace. But there are those who would threaten that peace for selfish gain. We exist simply to eliminate these people from the face of the universe. Anyone who has a bounty on their head. Anyone who attacks ships, settlements, or military bunkers. Anyone who uses piracy, theft, or any other means to improve their lives at the expense of others. Those are our targets, and they WILL be eliminated

Frigidum spatium crudelis est, sed omnia vincit iustitia


Our rules and way of life are simple. If you see someone using violence, extortion, blackmail, or any other form of control, against someone in the universe, you stop them by any means necessary.
If someone has a bounty on them, collect that bounty. If they are wanted alive, ensure the target lives.
If someone is attacking a settlement, bunker, station, or ship, you neutralize the threats with extreme prejudice
If someone has taken control of a secure military facility, you silently and effectively eliminate them, leaving no trace.
If a criminal or syndicate has made a cave or bunker their home, you destroy them without mercy.
Accept any job you want, and all the jobs you can, in the name of Xenox Corp. All members of Xenox Corp move with impunity and are allowed, or rather encouraged, to right whatever wrongs they can within the ‘verse.
If one of the Big 3 request your presence for an operation, you will be well compensated for your presence and expertise. Know though, that participating in these “official” operations, are not a hardline requirement for maintaining your employment.

The only true rules are as follows
1. If you see someone commit a violent crime, handle it
2. Stay on the good side of the law. Criminals are handled within the company exactly as we handle our targets
3. If someone needs help, help them. While we are primarily a Private Military Company, we exist solely to help and protect civilians, regardless of where they are from. So long as the activity is not illegal, feel free to do it
4. Whenever you accept a contract, accept it using the name of the company. This keeps our presence known to both side of the law, and helps maintain order within the verse