Xi'an Ship Owners Club / XIANSHIPS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Engineering

Welcome to Xi’an Ship Owners Club. An exclusive club for those who own a Xi’an ship. The main purpose of the club is to rejoice in the fact the we are proud owners of ships designed and built by the Xi’an race. Discussion of Xi’an ship designs, engineering, and specs are encouraged.


If you want to talk about the Karthu-Al, check out the forum post here.

Check out the latest Karthu-Al Ship Specs (here)

This group was founded as a way to meet other owners of Xi’an ships and form a group to share knowledge about Xi’an ships. The group is mostly an ‘Enthusiast Club’ and will not engage in military or exploration activities. Once the PU goes live, I hope we can organize some Xi’an Ship gatherings and maybe even a specialty store for Xi’an parts/upgrades (depends on what’s allowed in the PU).


An exclusive club for those who own a Xi’an ship. The main purpose of the club is to rejoice in the fact the we are proud owners of ships designed and built by the Xi’an race. Discussion of Xi’an ship designs, engineering, and specs are encouraged.

If you’ve purchased (or ‘acquired’) a Xi’an ship, then this is the place to be for tips and tricks. Members are encouraged to share discoveries and info on the best ways to equip, over-clock, and fly Xi’an ships. In the future, we would also like to create some how to videos made by our Xi’an ship specialists, so that members can really make the the most of their purchase(s).


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