• PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Security



XII is a Private Military Company (PMC) type Organization with an emphasis on PVP. We are composed of players from many walks of life, with decades of experience as gamers. Many of us met playing Battlestar Galactica Online. Some of us continued to play BGO while others left to try out new games all the while meeting new and talented players.

When Chris Roberts announced Star Citizen we knew it was time to get back together.


Intentions: We WILL be one of the best PVP organizations in Star Citizen. We WILL have fun. We WILL respect every member of XII.

Motives: We are motivated by the desire to have the best pilots, the best ships, and the best equipment available.

Views: In the Earth versus Terra discussion, we are pro Terra. As far as UEE law: We respect UEE law wherever the UEE is strong enough to enforce it.


XII Articles of Incorporation

I. Preamble
We cherish the one reason why we play any video game: fun. Thus to cultivate and advance our culture of respect and friendship, we, the signers of this charter, hereby establish XII (twelve) as an organization within the Star Citizen universe and by signing, agree to abide by these Articles at all times. We further hereby establish that abidance by any rules or guidelines outside of this charter is entirely voluntary for all members.

II. Member Conduct
All members of XII shall actively grow and foster friendship and respect within the organization, pursue active and effective teamwork, advance the organization and its members, and shall treat others in the way they wish to be treated themselves.
Discrimination or spiteful behavior against a member on any basis (race, heritage, age, religion, sex or otherwise) is never acceptable.
Cheating, hacking, exploitation of bugs within the game, exploitation of fleet resources for individual gain, or any malice against other members or allies will never be tolerated.
Deliberate malice against any member or group of members shall not be tolerated.

III. Organizational Communication
Communication channels – both voice and forums – shall never be censored or filtered beyond enforcing the rules of member conduct, and no specific form or protocol is to be enforced. For voice, as more serious situations requiring tighter cohesion arise, members may step into a separate channel clearly marked as such; in this channel conversations shall be limited to subjects immediately relevant to the operation so as to minimize disruption of critical information. Ability to at least hear voice communication is mandatory for all members.
The organization shall provide its membership with regular community updates through written means such as e-mail or forum newsletters, video updates through YouTube, and social media updates through Twitter, or any other useful and convenient means.
The organization shall hold a monthly community convention where long-term organizational strategic decisions are to be brought up for discussion and feedback by all members. This convention shall include at least 30 minutes of open-forum discussion where any member may bring up discussion points to all present. Minutes and outcomes shall be documented and promptly posted for record and further feedback on the organization’s discussion board.

IV. Extraorganizational Relations
XII may enter into alliance or cooperative pacts with other organizations within the Star Citizen universe. The terms of entrance into such an agreement may be negotiated by the Ambassador officer, must be approved by the general membership of the organization, and must never violate the principles set forth in this charter. Members shall extend the same courtesy to members of such allied organizations as they do to other members of XII.
Members shall maintain the highest level of professionalism when communicating externally on behalf of XII and shall never engage in any acts or practices that represent XII members as trolls, flamers, assholes, or other negative connotations.
Other players within the Star Citizen universe may be invited to participate in organizational activities without holding membership, provided that they display behavior similar to members.
Poaching or active recruitment of XII members for the benefit of another organization shall not be tolerated.

V. Recruitment Process
All potential recruits shall go through an “interview” process whereby they must participate with XII activities and will be evaluated for fitness of duty within the organization. A soft age requirement of 18+ shall be followed. Once the player has been determined as a good fit for the community, they shall go through an official orientation process that includes reading and signing off on understanding of this charter, explanation of any optional conventions or practices, extension of an official invitation, and introduction to the organization at large.

VI. Operational Discipline
While no single person holds command of the entire organization, it is frequently impractical to run in-game events in the same council-like fashion. Thus for most operational situations, an op leader shall be appointed by those present at the start of the operation. The op leader shall hold final command rights for the duration of the operation, and all participants are expected to both voice open and honest advice about operation decisions, and to follow the resulting command regardless of their agreement. An op leader’s clear disregard for the opinions and concerns voiced by participants shall be considered as deliberate malice against members and is against the member rules of conduct.

VII. Organizational Discipline
All members of the organization shall take responsibility for keeping one another in check and advising one another to maintain the highest level of integrity and respect within the organization. Members observed to be overstepping the line shall be first asked to correct their behavior. Failure to amend behavior could result in movement to a different channel, or temporary exclusion from the current in-game task.
Deliberate malice, trolling, flaming, or deliberate violation of any article of this charter, repeated disregard for teamwork, or any intentional actions resulting in significant resource or player character loss for the organization will result in the member being immediately placed on probation by an officer of the organization, pending review of actions and evidence by a disciplinary council. The disciplinary council shall discuss and document their findings, which may include full exoneration, an organizational corrective penalty, or removal from the organization. The actions of placing a member on probation and revoking membership shall never be taken by the same officer.
In the event that any initial efforts by a member to restore another’s behavior are not effective, the member may confidentially enlist the help of any officer by sending them a private message with an initial description of the event, their own actions and of the offending member. The contacted officer shall make every reasonable effort to resolve the situation promptly, or make arrangements to do so with another officer.

VIII. Administrative Oversight
At least one member shall be assigned to each of the following administrative duties and placed in charge of maintaining the resources needed for full functionality of the organization:
Treasurer – oversees financial accounts for the organization.
IT Guardian – oversees all multimedia properties such as website, forums, TeamSpeak.
Administrative roles are equivalent to membership roles in organizational authority, inherit no default officer status, and are assigned permanently until the member opts to resign. The two roles may never be held by the same person. An administrator member may hold an officer status in separate capacity, but may never serve as the Organization Guardian at the same time.

IX. Officership
Game-related organizational activities shall be facilitated and member conduct overseen by a team of officers all holding equal authority but performing distinct primary tasks:
Organization Guardian – In-game organization leader by mechanics, oversees asset access permissions and ensures member status is correct and current.
Ambassador – Official XII representative to external communication channels such as RSI forums, forums belonging to allied organizations, etc.
Chief Recruiter – Holds primary responsibility for the recruitment process
Master Mentor – Responsible for oversight of mentorship program including ensuring members are routinely assigned mentorees, mentoree feedback and program improvement.
Operations Coordinator – An elected officer responsible for scheduling and coordinating in-game operations such as raids, explorative excursions, and similar gatherings requiring a large proportion of members participating.
Chief Financier – An elected officer responsible for the financial management of the organization’s in-game assets and coordinator of in-game economic activities such as resource gathering, crafting and marketing.
All officers are charged as enforcers of the principles and rules of conduct set forth in this charter, and are expected to participate in organizational activities such as ops planning, member documentation, promotions, community forums, and member grievance resolution through participation on the disciplinary council. Attendance to the monthly community forums is mandatory for officers; those located in time zones such that attendance is impractical shall arrange to be promptly briefed on important outcomes.
As with all members, all officers are asked to provide honest and constructive opinions and information whenever relevant, and are encouraged to voice dissenting opinions, but similarly are expected to carry out decisions reached through consensus regardless of their personal stance on the action.

X. Restrictions and Succession
A single member shall never hold multiple administrative or officer roles.
Permanent administrative and officer positions shall be appointed at charter enactment and held by the appointees until they willingly choose to resign or are declared unfit for duty by unanimous consensus of remaining officers.
Electable positions shall be first filled one month after launch of the official persistent game universe, and shall be re-elected every 12 months following the first appointments. Members wishing to fill elected roles shall voice their intent during an allotted segment at the monthly community forum immediately prior to the election date; official elections shall take place on the forums over a 7-day period. Elected officers may never hold the same position for more than two consecutive terms but no limit on total number of terms served shall exist.
If the need so arises, administrative and officer positions may be expanded to include multiple members serving in the same role. Permanent roles may be expanded through a nomination-and-confirmation process whereby the officer or admin in need of additional help in their role will nominate a member to join their duties, and the nominee must be confirmed by the existing officer team. Elected roles may be expanded through addition of extra winning seats to the next election cycle.
Any officer or admin may at any time chose to resign from their role and may nominate a member to replace them subject to confirmation by the remaining officer corps.
Members shall be encouraged to provide feedback on organizational discipline and leadership performance to officers, and shall have the option to confidentially report questionable behavior of any member of the officer or admin corps to another member of the disciplinary council.

XI. Amendments to this Charter
All changes or additions to this charter shall be appended as numbered amendments. Amendments must be open for feedback for a minimum of two community convention sessions, and shall require a two-thirds majority of all voting members for passage.

XII. Charter Enactment
We hereby sign and enact this organizational charter, on this day of __ May 2014, as witnessed and signed by the following members: