Xiphos / XIPHOS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Xiphos is a PMC that specializes in escort service, and also provides high-priority transport, boarding, and various other functions. Armed with some of the best ship in the ‘verse, we are guaranteed to fill your mission requirements. Whatever they may be.


Xiphos was founded nearly 60 years ago by ex-UEE naval pilots. The original pilots of Xiphos, found themselves as the “tip of the spear” of the UEE military but a different view than the UEE political policy. After witnessing that the UEE naval had to many restrictions, or found it “financially irresponsible” to help civilian ships. They decided to help these civilians, for a price of course. Using the early motto of “Helping the helpless, for profit”. They then began to recruit other ace pilots from the UEE, though they didn’t always have the same ideals.

These days Xiphos is still full of ace pilots, but it has evolved into a more professional environment. The new pilots have hired business workers, but pilots still maintain total control of the company. Now with more diplomacy, business, lawyers, and top ace pilots the once group of renegade pilots; is now a full fledged PMC. Capable of completing anything from SAR, convoy security to its rumored black operation contract with the UEE Advocacy and Navy. Despite all the changes still written on the hangar door at its original headquarters at Planet Gen, is the original motto “Though we walk through the valley of death, we fear no evil. For we are death, and this is our valley”


Definition: The xiphos (Greek: ξίφος) is a double-edged, single-hand sword used by the ancient Greeks. It was a secondary battlefield weapon for the Spartan armies after the spear or javelin. The classic blade was generally about 50–60 cm long, but sometimes as short as 30cm. The xiphos sometimes has a midrib, or is diamond or lenticular in cross-section. It was generally hung from a baldric under the left arm. The xiphos was generally used only when the spear was discarded, or broken, for close combat.

The Xiphos PMC still upholds the tradition and style of Xiphos. When the mighty spear of the UEE military is broken, they call upon their Xiphos PMC to go to battle. Xiphos operates in area’s that the UEE military can not go or will not go, we continue their mission when they can not. Despite our disadvantages of being smaller and our reach being shorter, we have proven to be just as lethal as the spearhead of the UEE. When you can’t count on the UEE spear, you can rely on your Xiphos.




The name of this Private Military Contractor Shall be Xiphos, PMC


This Private Military Contractor (hence known as PMC) shall exist in perpetuity, from and after the date of filing these Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of Business of the Planet of Gena, Terra System, UEE, unless dissolved according to law.


1. Purposes. Except as restricted by these Articles of Incorporation, the PMC is organized for the purpose of transacting all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated pursuant to the UEE Business Corporation Act.

2. General Powers. Except as restricted by these Articles of Incorporation, the corporation shall have and may exercise all power and rights which a corporation may exercise legally in pursuant to the UEE Business Corporation Act, UEE Territorial Expansion Act, and UEE Private Military Contract Act.

A. The fact of such relationship with the UEE Military and other agencies, the corporation is entitled to operate in “black operations” which may be outside of UEE jurisdiction or illegal. The contracts must be accepted by the Captains or Admiral by a majority vote, or in times of emergency, the ranking member.

3. Issuance of Shares. The board of directors (known as “Captains”), and the CEO (hence known as “Admiral”) have decided to represent Xiphos PMC as a private company and no shares will be divided or issued to the public.


1. Promotion. Members are allowed to proceed to any rank, so long as minimum requirements are met and the member has only good interest and intention for the corporation. There are currently 6 rank offerings, the following is a description of each rank and minimum requirements. Basic pay of 1x.

A. Recruit. No corporation rights. No minimum requirements. Members of this rank are in stasis to verify member is of good intentions. Members of this rank should be learning the basic of the corporation.

B. Cadet. Members of this rank have recruiter rights. Minimum requirements are, to have been a member for 2 week or 2 officer petitions. Members of this rank are considered to be a member of good intentions and should be learning the corporation’s missions and goals. Pay is increased from recruit, of 1.5x.

C. Ensign. Members of this rank have recruiter rights. Minimum requirements are to have been a Sergeant for 1 month or 4 officer petitions. Members of this rank are considered trustworthy and should be helping other members improve their skills and are being treated the same. Pay is increased from Cadet, of 2.0x.

D. Lieutenant. Members of this rank have Recruiters and Officer rights. Minimum requirements are, to have been made it to Ensign rank, been a member for 2 months, and been voted by a majority of Lieutenant, Captains, and been signed off by the Admiral (whom does not vote). Members of this rank are considered a trustworthy and loyal members. Members of this rank should be leading individuals and monitoring for any issues with lower ranking members. Member should be specializing in a subject. Pay is increased from Ensign, of 2.5x.

E. Captain. Members of this rank have Recruiters, Officer and Logistician rights. Minimum requirements are to have been a Lieutenant for 1 month, been voted by a super-majority of Captains and been signed off by the Admiral (whom does not vote). Members of this rank are considered truly stalwart and devoted to the corporation. Members of this rank should be knowledgeable about all levels of the corporation, and have a specialization that helps contribute to progressing and maintaining the corporation. Pay is same as Lieutenant.

F. Admiral. Members of this rank have Recruiter, Officer, Logistician and Commandant. Minimum requirements are to have been voted by a unanimous vote by the Captains. Members of this rank are considered to be the core of the organization, and should be dedicated to ensuring that Officers are upholding their devotion to the corporation. Pay is the same as Lieutenant.


Payment from contracts is handled by how many people were on the mission, and by their rank with a bonus under circumstances. The corporation takes 15% tax from all missions. The corporation will add all the multipliers of their rank ( such as 1 recruit, 2 cadet, 4 ensign, 1 captain, would be a total of 14.5 multipliers). The remaining amount post-tax is then divided by the number of multiplier. ( $100,000 / 14.5= $6896.5) and then your multiplier is then added to the amount previous mentioned ( recruit= 6896.5 × 1= 6896.5, cadet 6896.5 × 1.5=10344.75, ensign 6896.5 × 2=13793, and captain 6896.5 × 2.5=17241.25). Bonus’s such as top pilot, pulling bridge duty, hauler and others will have an increase of .25 to .5 multiplier.


Amendments to the Charter may be changed, once a super-majority vote by all Lieutenants, Captains, and Admiral is done, and will act as a temporary amendment. After 1 month another vote will take place, a super-majority vote by all Lieutenants, Captains, and Admiral to permanently enact the changed updated information.