Geronimo Industries / XOFHOUND

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport


About Us
Geronimo Industries was created in Afghanistan by US Army Paratroopers and civilian mercenaries in December of 2017. Our organization is primarily geared towards what we know best, which is to provide security and force protection along with transportation of goods. The organization prides itself on professionalism, lethality, and the ability to function with minimal assets. Our experienced shooters fully training in small unit tactics along with some of the best pilots in the universe combined with pipe hitting ships within the Geronimo armada are a force to be reckoned with.

The Vision
Establish a trading route and defend our logistic missions within the Geronimo armada. As guns fire hire and professionals within the universe our members are fully capable from whatever the mission requires, from striking deep to Vanduul territory to mining within an asteroid belt. Geronimo industries prides itself on our able to overkill any mission. If it’s a simple cargo run the cargo is armed with some of our heaviest and experienced fights because no matter the mission we are armed and ready to fight, eliminate, and win against any enemy with the universe.

The Future
G men within our organization make a difference every day within the universe. Geronimo industries is always looking for leaders and G men to continue expand the armada and compete against larger organizations outside our weight class in regards to defense, logistics, and trading.

How to Join Geronimo Industries

1. ‘Apply Now’ here on the Geronimo Industries page on RSI

2. Go to the Geronimo forums page and say hello and what you bring to the armada

3. Be prepared for large organizational required missions and events


Geronimo Industries is a private organization that offers services primarily in security and transportation of cargo.

For those with less than legal needs we also employ an array of highly trained special operators known as G-Men. Our G-men specialize in various skill sets and will accept any task for the right price.

G-men Services
Ship Recovery
Seek and Destroy
Personal Protection

The concept for our organization is represented by three phases.

Phase One
Phase one consists of acquiring additional members to diversify our capabilities within the fleet. Once the ability to transport large amounts of cargo is acquired, while continuing to provide paid security services, we will transport our own cargo utilizing internal security assets. Ultimately, this will allow the organization to operate independently to maximize our profits and expedite the acquisition of additional ships.

Phase Two

Phase Three

Geronimo Armada

Hammer Head x 1
Polaris x1
Constellation Andromeda x 1
Warden x2
Cutlass x1
Anvil Hawk x1
300i x1
Hornet S x2
Super Hornet x 1
Buccaneer x1
P-52 Merlin x 2
Mustang Alpha x2
Freelancer DUR x1
Retaliator x1
Nova Tank x2



Our Organization is a small but aggressive group of paramilitary members, and strives to be a leader in all arenas — Science, Logistics, and Kinetic Operations. These areas of the economy make up our three Divisions, each led by a Director.

Science Division

Strictly dedicated to Exploration, science, and information/ intelligence gathering to give the other division a clearer operational picture.

Logistics Division

Logistics (cargo hauling, fueling), resource collection (mining, salvaging) and trading (turning those resources into much needed currency to facilitate more operations).

Kinetic Operations Division

Security Section: Tactical Fighters designed for escort missions
Small Kill Team: Tactical Fighters and One Drop Ship for boarding
G-Men (Ground and Space Troopers): Troopers and Drop Ships
Armada: Flag Ships and Gun Ships

Organizational Tasks
•Advice and train players interested in roles covered by respective divisions
•Create and run Operations to further facilitate expansion in territory and currency


Defend territory: Deny freedom of movement of enemy fleet
Boarding: Enemy ship in order to destroy or gather enemy resources
Escort/ Patrol: Further facilitate other division in their respective missions

Cargo Hauling: Transportation of precious cargo
Salvage: Deconstruct derelict ships in order to create or collect vital resources
Mining: Raw collection of materials needed such as precious metals and ore
Trading: Selling resources collected by the organization in an internal system of merchants within the organization

Data collection: Gathering much needed intelligence on a specific information to drive a operational picture for kinetic operations
Exploration: Venturing out into unknown or uncharted territory to identify local missions within the organization

Large-scale, complex group activities will be taken as often as members are available for them. These Operations will span all of 3 areas of the economy: Mining Operations that require Exploration to find resources, Industry to extract minerals and ship them to our factories, and Security protect the whole group. Other Operations include raids into Vanduul space, long-range Exploration Expeditions, or precision Marine strikes on a pirate outpost.

Core Values

Law and Order- Abide by local laws found within your sector, and represent the organization in a good light.

Ambition – Aggressively seek ways to better the organization and expand the fleet’s capabilities

Professionalism – At all times we act with integrity providing quality service, reliability, fidelity, and responsibility.

Participation – We strive to stay involved with our community and its activities.