Xplor! - One small step for a man / XPLOR

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Trading


If you like exploring, salvaging, having the rarest technology, trading with extreme profit, and fighting the unknown with the best weapons and mods…you should read on!!!


We have formed a great environment where our members work together, share, and have fun doing what they like and gaining the most out of it.

XPLOR is not about elitism or ego. We are all equal and we are all working together to explore. If you explore alone you will have to travel very far, scan, defend yourself, and then when you find something cool you waste a lot of time to get back to civilization and sell it, IF you don’t get stuck without fuel or ammo. :)

What we want to do is to create a way for you to do what you want to do: go far and fast! XPLOR will supply fuel and protection, and more importantly we will supply ways to quickly sell what you find for the best price so you can get on with the important things in life: XPLORing!



  • Self sustained supply and combat
  • Exploration (Finding Jumps, Systems, Derelict Ships, Alien Tech, the Unknown)
  • Scouting
  • Salvaging
  • Boarding
  • First Contact with new races.


  • 24/7/365 With members from all continents


XPLOR is a highly professional self sustained unit primarily focused on exploring, finding new exciting things that have been hidden for millennia, finding abandoned alien ships, new jump points, new systems, and things we don’t even know exist…

We aim to be self sustained and well protected. While deep space is a dangerous place, XPLOR is even more dangerous! We are self sustained and have the capability to destroy anything that comes our way if it means us harm.

The distinguishing feature of this well constructed unit is its equipment superiority. XPLOR is considered to be one of the best equipped units, because it fully utilizes the advanced derelict technology it finds and salvages to enrich its capabilities.



  • AN AWESOME TEAM: We are building an amazing team, so its good company to begin with, and mechanisms will be put into place to help create and maintain a strong and cohesive unit.
  • THE BEST EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE: Long range scanners, top of the line weapons, you name it we will have it well before anyone else even knows it exists!
  • SAFETY AND FUN: Uninterrupted exploration and fun! Don’t worry about running out of fuel or supplies, or about being attacked by pirates. XPLOR takes care of its own.

BALANCED PROFITS: We use a sharing model that incentives activity:

  • EXPLORATION: The member who discovers gets 70% of the reward, 15% goes to the unit and 15% is split between everyone who worked in that sector by their share of time in searching the sector. This makes sure that no one is losing money or getting frustrated by not finding anything.
  • FIGHTERS: Any loot from destroyed ships and a share of the aforementioned 15%.
    • IMPORT: Will sell commodities and ammo to XPLOR members at preferred pricing.
    • EXPORT: Will be facilitated by XPLOR logistics in deep space, to avoid having to travel all the way back to official markets, and XPLOR will share profit in an equitable way.

We reward hard work and share our success, which in turn expands our range and increases our opportunities.

Command Structure: XPLOR is not your typical organization. We are a Sergeant community, which means that aside from Unit Command, every member can do and become all that they can be.

Do you want to play casually 1 hour a day or 3 hours a week? Awesome! We will make sure it will be fun and rewarding. Do you want to develop a new-probably-won’t-work-but-its-so-genius-it-might scanning method? Go for it!

That being said, XPLOR has a clear Command structure:

Unit Command > Regional Command > System Command and then Shift Command.

However, all members are a team who work together to cover more space with the advanced means we have. Tasks of Command will be to allocate resources and maintain a reliable supply chain to support the effort. Basically it’s less of a “do this do that” command, but more of a “you can expand to these areas which one do you want” command.

Key factor here is Supply and Protection, so we will make sure not to stretch too thin and that in each system we have all the resources we need to work without fear of enemy threats. All members will be trained in Command functions, and those who have time and wish to assist in Command on a daily basis will be appreciated.

To read more about this please go (HERE)

Pilot Briefing:

You will go where no one has gone before and find things no one seen before you. You will be a part of the best prepared and best equipped fleet.

XPLOR is your competitive edge, and you can expect to have much needed resources and information about the best technology out there, and maybe even a few cool ships that no one else has.


XPLOR’s origin is unknown. Most of the unit’s protocols were sealed as confidential, but there are rumors about Xi’an members among the first recruits. Other rumors mention members of UEE espionage operations as the initial force behind the fleet, but one thing is certain: this unit has the most advanced means to sustain and benefit from deep space exploration.


  • Scan.
  • Explore.
  • Share.

Once the beta is out we will start working as a team and start using our best practices to ensure we are the best exploration force in the beta.



Q: Whats up with the “Faith” categorization?

A: Nothing, We are not PMC or Syndicate, Corporate and Organization sounds too cold…so faith is the one left by elimination.

Q: Can I do things by myself without being tagged as a non team player?

A: Yes! You can choose to do stuff with our fleet activities but will never be forced to. The fleet is for your fun, its not your job.

Q: I have a team of friends from real life, can I invite them?

A: Yes! We will love to have strong cohesive teams in this fleet, however please make sure that they are cool supportive and positive. When you vouch for someone you are responsible for them.




  • Self sustained supply and combat
  • Exploration (Finding Jumps, Systems, Derelict Ships, Alien Tech, the Unknown)
  • Scouting
  • Salvaging
  • Boarding
  • First Contact with new races.


  • 24/7/365 With members from all continents


XPLOR is a highly professional self sustained unit primarily focused on exploring, finding new exciting things that have been hidden for millennia, finding abandoned alien ships, new jump points, new systems, and things we don’t even know exist…

We aim to be self sustained and well protected. While deep space is a dangerous place, XPLOR is even more dangerous! We are self sustained and have the capability to destroy anything that comes our way if it means us harm.

The distinguishing feature of this well constructed unit is its equipment superiority. XPLOR is considered to be one of the best equipped units, because it fully utilizes the advanced derelict technology it finds and salvages to enrich its capabilities.

Pilot Briefing:

You will go where no one has gone before and find things no one seen before you. You will be a part of the best prepared and best equipped fleet.

XPLOR is your competitive edge, and you can expect to have much needed resources and information about the best technology out there, and maybe even a few cool ships that no one else has.


XPLOR’s origin is unknown. Most of the unit’s protocols were sealed as confidential, but there are rumors about Xi’an members among the first recruits. Other rumors mention members of UEE espionage operations as the initial force behind the fleet, but one thing is certain: this unit has the most advanced means to sustain and benefit from deep space exploration.


  • Scan.
  • Explore.
  • Share.

Once the beta is out we will start working as a team and start using our best practices to ensure we are the best exploration force in the beta.





  • AN AWESOME TEAM: We are building an amazing team, so its good company to begin with, and mechanisms will be put into place to help create and maintain a strong and cohesive unit.
  • THE BEST EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE: Long range scanners, top of the line weapons, you name it we will have it well before anyone else even knows it exists!
  • SAFETY AND FUN: Uninterrupted exploration and fun! Don’t worry about running out of fuel or supplies, or about being attacked by pirates. XPLOR takes care of its own.

BALANCED PROFITS: We use a sharing model that incentives activity:

  • EXPLORATION: The member who discovers gets 70% of the reward, 15% goes to the unit and 15% is split between everyone who worked in that sector by their share of time in searching the sector. This makes sure that no one is losing money or getting frustrated by not finding anything.
  • FIGHTERS: Any loot from destroyed ships and a share of the aforementioned 15%.
    • IMPORT: Will sell commodities and ammo to XPLOR members at preferred pricing.
    • EXPORT: Will be facilitated by XPLOR logistics in deep space, to avoid having to travel all the way back to official markets, and XPLOR will share profit in an equitable way.

We reward hard work and share our success, which in turn expands our range and increases our opportunities.

Command Structure: XPLOR is not your typical organization. We are a Sergeant community, which means that aside from Unit Command, every member can do and become all that they can be.

Do you want to play casually 1 hour a day or 3 hours a week? Awesome! We will make sure it will be fun and rewarding. Do you want to develop a new-probably-won’t-work-but-its-so-genius-it-might scanning method? Go for it!

That being said, XPLOR has a clear Command structure:

Unit Command > Regional Command > System Command and then Shift Command.

However, all members are a team who work together to cover more space with the advanced means we have. Tasks of Command will be to allocate resources and maintain a reliable supply chain to support the effort. Basically it’s less of a “do this do that” command, but more of a “you can expand to these areas which one do you want” command.

Key factor here is Supply and Protection, so we will make sure not to stretch too thin and that in each system we have all the resources we need to work without fear of enemy threats. All members will be trained in Command functions, and those who have time and wish to assist in Command on a daily basis will be appreciated.