Deathmark Wardens / XPUNISHERX

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Our purpose is simple. We are security and ruthless hunters of those who have crimstats. We do anything and everything to chase down and eliminate the threat and remove said criminal from space. We are the Deathmark Wardens. I expect the best and accept no less. Teamwork and pride is key.


The history of Deathmark Wardens stems back to the time of the Messer’s and their tyrannical ways. Back in the organization’s Hay day we were freedom fighters who stood for those who were being oppressed by corperations and their backwards policies. Alongside this we fought to dethrone and remove governments who sought to destroy its citizens. Though often being seen as the enemy we had a great many cities and planet’s citizens who are far better off for the work we had done to protect them. Today Deathmark is a bruised but undefeated group of fighters who will continue to fight no matter the odds for what is right for all those who seek freedom and peace across the verse. We stand by and shout these words at all who stand against us and our fight for peace and prosperity for all.

“Dum Spiro Spero”
While I breathe, I hope.


Facta non verba
“Deeds, not words”
We intend to maintain peace within the verse. Any and all who wish to oppress those who cannot fight back will be marked for death.


Rules are as follows
1. Any disagreements are to be brought up with leadership should a conclusion not be settled on good terms. If no agreement can be met with leadership involved then it’s to be settled in the arena.
2. Your unit within the org does not mean you cannot train in a different unit. let leadership know so it can send you to the right trainer/trainers to be of better use to you. Our org is about unity and being efficient against a common enemy I.E. the Vandul.
3. If you need resources please ask leadership Ex: credits minerals, locations of interest etc. We do not tolerate players who do not put in the work (don’t be that person).
4. Be a beacon of strength and capability both to yourself and those around you.

“Sic parvis magna”
Greatness from small beginnings