Stealth Assault Warriors / XSAWX

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Infiltration
  • Social

Skill can be taught, Loyalty cannot


Welcome to Stealth Assault Warriors
We have a website,discord and more!


We are a multi game & multi platform family we are ever growing as a team,
We have been around since 2005 and are not going anywhere.





(ROC) Part 1
I. You must read and agree to the Stealth Assault Warriors (SAW) Code of Conduct before becoming an official member of SAW and if they dont sign up you dont rank up II. Cheating, hacking, game or system tampering or scaming this includes ripping off new members will get you kicked out of SAW. NOTE: PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND YOUR XBOX LIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, FOLLOW ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND ABIDE BY THEM and AS FOLLOWS III. Discrimination of any type will NOT be tolerated at all! Members will not discriminate against other members regardless of their rank, age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, and socioeconomic status. This includes inside of lobbies, chat forums, or any game of any type. Please represent SAW to the fullest, in a positive manner, and show respect to everyone including non-members. Do not fall victim to another user egging you on. Simply, mute the player or leave the game and/or lobby. Report the player to a higher up if they are a SAW member. If it is a public person, have your entire party leave that game. What you do and how you act are both reflections on how SAW is perceived. IV. SAW is a diverse gaming community represented by members worldwide. As such, all members should respect one another regardless of their rank, age, race, creed, color, sender identity, disability, marital status, and socioeconomic status. To facilitate respect, the use of profanity, strong language, bad language, cursing, or swearing – in any language – should be strongly discouraged during practices. Remember, your actions reflect all of SAW and not just yourself, especially in public lobbies. What may not be offensive to you may be offensive to another member. (edited)

(ROC) Part 2
V. Harassment of any type, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, will NOT be tolerated. Harassment includes unwanted verbal and non-verbal communication manifested as events, gestures, or acts regarding a member’s rank, age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, and socioeconomic status. Members found in violation of this section may be permanently dismissed from SAW. Furthermore, a member(s) who willfully file false accusations, or retaliate(s) against, another member(s) will be guilty of harassment. VI. Members who provoke, instigate, urge, or incite other members to some action or course which leads to a violation of the Code of Conduct, or causes any other inappropriate behavior, will be treated as if they had committed the act themselves. This includes members who repeatedly cause unnecessary “drama” or take actions which provoke, instigate, urge, or incite other members to some action or course which causes “drama.” VII. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE AGE 16 OR OLDER (situational). in SAW. Furthermore, members do not have authority over other members outside of their direct chain of command. VIII. To protect the youth members in our organization, the formation or development of a romantic or intimate relationship in the SAW is regulated. Those involved in a relationship outside of CWO need to check their relationships at the door while online. Furthermore, members may not use their personal relationship(s), or another member’s relationship(s), to alter, affect, or influence SAW business, rank, promotions, events, or any other SAW-related activity. IX. All members are accountable for themselves and their actions. Leaders within SAW are NOT responsible for members who break rules. Violating members will be judged by the higher ranks up through SAW Management.

(ROC) Part 3
X. All members in SAW have an open door policy to present any problems or ideas. Please use the chain of command when you need to express these things. You should never go over your superiors’ heads. Please respect your leaders. XI Unsportsmanlike conduct is strictly prohibited in SAW. Tea-bagging is NOT allowed, at any time, in any game we play, in any Operatons, in any Clan Wars, any Game Battle, etc… (Tea-bagging is the gesture displayed by crouching and standing rapidly. No dead bodies need be present.) Any form of in-game humiliation, such as intentionally shooting, knifing, or otherwise desecrating a dead body, will not be tolerated in SAW. Furthermore, SAW expects its membership to behave appropriately in public and private party chats, public and private game lobbies, private and public game messages, and on the website. XII. We ask for 100% loyalty from all members in SAW. You can only be in SAW and no other clan or community on XBL,PSN,PC. This includes members with multiple online accounts. Remember that we are a family and should have each other’s back. XIII. Never leave another SAW member behind. To quit in the middle of a game because your team is not winning is not acceptable. This is considered leaving a member behind. We are all SAW. We will win or lose together. This includes practices, Operations, Game Battles, etc. XIV. Members should attend at least one meeting every two weeks (situational) and at least two practices a week for our pvp team. Doing so will help us to be organized and help us gain the necessary skills to dominate when in action. (edited)

(ROC) Final Part
XV. If you are called to a party by a higher ranking member please respond to that person ASAP. (Note: Even if you don’t like that person or have had problems with that person in the past) XVI. Modded Controllers are not allowed during practice and Operations. If you use them, you will be kicked out of practice for a week. If you use them in a Operation, your team is automatically disqualified! XVII. ALL members are accountable to the Code of Conduct. Lastly, the Code of Conduct does not know the difference between friend and foe. XVIII. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!