Extrasolar / XSLR

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources


Founded by a former Crusader Security officer who dreamt of a life in the stars, Extrasolar began its life as one ship: the 600i-class Sapphire Rose, on a mission to explore beyond the boundaries of known space and aid those of like inclination. As the organization grew and operations grew more complex, subsections dedicated to supporting exploration emerged: Logistics to handle Extrasolar’s salvage, mining, and cargo operations, and Security dedicated to protecting the fleet’s interests. Still a growing organization, Extrasolar embraces those who share in the vision.


Extrasolar is an exploration-first organization.

Our goal is to carry forward as best we can the feel of those bold crews in hopeful science fiction: the Serenity, the Enterprise(s), the Millennium Falcon, the Rocinante. Our goal however is not to inject those series into Star Citizen. CIG’s universe is deserving (and demanding!) of its own spot amongst the sci-fi greats, and thus Extrasolar intends to be lore-abiding.

As of this writing, exploration gameplay loops do not yet exist. Thus, the org currently focuses on our two branches’ gameplay: Logistics and Security, with the intent of reshaping those branches to support exploration when that feature comes online. This is not to say exploration does not exist in Star Citizen, nor to say that we do not engage in it, but to acknowledge that the systems that would make sense to help explorers find points of interest have yet to be built. Until those systems are developed, developing our Logistics and Security gameplay seem the best use of everyone’s time and efforts.

Extrasolar is a good-aligned organization. We hope for an optimistic future. We want to discover, create, help, and establish. We acknowledge that the process of exploration and discovery is a process beginning with the recognition that what we have right now is not ideal. The UEE is less than ideal. The corporate governments in the Stanton system, are also less than ideal. This provides the impetus for change, for us to write our own story.

Less than ideal does not mean we renounce these individual bodies entirely. We are not anarchists. Extrasolar works with any organization where our interests align – without fully endorsing the whole of that organization.


- Extrasolar is an exploration org first, with logistics, security, and search and rescue operations supporting that goal.
- Extrasolar is good-aligned. This is in terms of both community and in-universe. Our fun and pleasure does not come at the expense of others.
- Extrasolar reserves the right to lay claim to (and thus defend and make use of) self-discovered or gifted resources, unacquired salvage, and underserved/maltreated communities.
- Members do not traffic – nor aid in trafficking – drugs.
- Members do not engage in the distribution of harmful software. Intentional use is not prohibited.
- Members are not entirely beholden to local, planetary, nor UEE law. Authority is nothing without justice, mercy, and compassion.
- Members are to act with justice, mercy, and compassion in their dealings – but we are not a police organization.
- Where possible, Extrasolar will pass non-exploration efforts to dedicated individuals or organizations when available. For example, police and bounty hunting, search and rescue, or planetary defense.