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The Yokai Consortium / Y0KAI

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

“I am a free Prince, and I have as much Authority to make War on the Whole World, as he who has a hundred Sails of Ships at Sea, and an Army of 100,000 Men in the Field”

Captain Samuel “Black Sam” Bellamy


The Yokai Consortium

Established in a cold December of 2949 by its 3 Founders Louis Charles “PirateGhostDJ” (Chairman), Joe “Nightmare” (Chief Enforcer) and Howard (…Just Howard) This organization was founded from humble beginnings with ambitious intentions and a deep passion for finance & trade. Initially started out as a pirate group running deliveries of various questionable goods and rag tag impromptu missions of commandeering ships. The organization decided to look toward a new and more profitable direction. A direction that will bring them status, respect and especially wealth.This new goal would never be achieved if we remained some small time “gang” but only as true methodical organization will we be able to reach new heights among the stars. So we began to build, build our trust, build our knowledge, and build our skills. Now our organization maintains versatility in many financial & market opportunities; from pharmaceutical procurement & distribution to mining of minerals and materials. We continue to expand our future endeavors in such ventures like: high steaks games, crimson light entertainment and much more! With The Yokai Consortium if you think rich, you will grow rich. our over all goal is to establish and maintain a plentiful and healthy stream of income to the organization. At the end of the day we all just want to enjoy…

The Finer Things

Louis “Pirateghost” Charles – Chairman of The Yokai Consortium


Yōkai (妖怪, ghost, phantom, strange apparition) are a class of supernatural monsters, spirits, and demons. Yōkai range diversely from the malevolent, occasionally bringing good fortune to those who treat them with the utmost respect and/or worship them. To the mischievous bringing any manner of ill fortune—including illness, tragedy and “natural disasters” to those who oppose and disrespect them.
This is the nature of The Yokai.


We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang Separately.
- Benjamin franklin

STICK TOGETHER – If a member calls for your aid it is your duty to respond and assist at a moments notice.

DON’T BE AN A$$HOLE – Do Not disrespect other members (Especially superiors)
- We do NOT Kill Innocent Civilians i.e. Pad Ramming

Violation of these rules will result in a ritual discharge