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Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps / YFMC

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Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps. United We Stand, Divided We Ambush.
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The Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps was officially founded in the months after the Human-Vanduul war of 2945. In the years that followed retired UEEN personnel and civilian pilots have joined our ranks.

Home of The 18th F.E.A.R. Squadron and the 404th Echelon Special Recon Squadron.


The Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps’ intentions are to assist the people in need on the fringes of the UEE control sphere. We are not conquers, Instead we are the humanitarian aid that helps anyone in need.


Phalanx is the dedicated Combat division within the Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps, They handle everything from ship boarding to orbital bombardment. Below are a few of our specially dedicated squadrons.


The Strike Recon Commando are a dedicated special forces unit within the ranks of Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps. SRC specialise in recon, intel retrieval, asset and infrastructure denial and anything in between. SRC Teams are also prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve their mission objective, including but not limited to using unorthodox tactics that are often see as too extreme or too risky by outside observer. Feel like you have what it takes to be a Commando? Enlist today and find out if you have what it takes.

18th F.E.A.R.

The 18th Fleet Escort Assault Recon or F.E.A.R. for short are the best of the best fighter pilots within the ranks of the Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps. They excel in escort and forced recon operations, F.E.A.R. pilots are known for going up against insurmountable odds and making it home. Think you have what it takes to become what our enemies fear? Feel free to enlist and become one of our best.

86th Marauder Corps

The 86th Marauder Corps are the dedicated heavy ordinance deployment and disposal team within the ranks of the Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps. From delivery explosive payloads from a variety of ships, to disarming and re-purposing mines left behind from conflicts throughout human history. The Marauder Corps has it covered. Marauder Corps teams know the risks associated with clearing minefields or deploying explosive payloads from their ships and willingly accept the risks. Do you have what it takes to put your life on the line to save your team? Enlist today and become a Explosive Ordinance Technician today.

Echelon SRS

The 404th Echelon Special Recon Squadron (SRS) are the other special forces unit within Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps. Echelon members are often sent into hazardous locations ahead of the main force to neutralise enemy systems that could lay waste to our main fleet. Trained to leave no trace of their presence, Echelon teams make use of stealth ships and vehicles of any kind to get their mission done. Be it deploying from our Prowler assets to infiltrate a enemy stronghold and take it. Or intercepting an enemy strike force before they can lay waste to civilians or our allies. Enlist today and become part of the elite 404th Echelon SRS.


Moradin is the dedicated Industrial division within the Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps, They handle everything from salvage and mining operations, to repair and refuel jobs. Below are a few of our specially dedicated Industrial Crews.


Phoenix Corps Is the dedicated search and rescue, medical group within the Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps. Deployed on warships or on the front lines in a makeshift triage center providing medical assistance to injured people after a Pirate or Vanduul raid. The men and women of the Phoenix Corps do everything within their power to ensure your life is in good hands and that you receive the best medical care without worrying about paying for it. So you can get back to what matters most. Ready to save a life? Join today and become a Phoenix Corps medical personnel.


The Yōkai Frontier Mercenary Corps has a Code of Ethics that is aimed more at preserving and protecting, Rather than destroying and ruining.