Zilla Dropship Forces / ZILLA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Infiltration
  • Exploration

Zilla Dropship Forces:
All right, sweethearts, you’re a team and there’s nothin’ to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some, is that understood? That’s what we gonna do, sweethearts, we are going to go and get some. All right, people, on the ready line! (Discord)


Founded by Twitch Partner Rexzilla.

Intended for Citizens who want action on the battlefield. Our goal is to help bring this game to life through FPS and PVP action.

Join the DISCORD to get involved with the community.


We have access to every ship in the game as it is released. YES we have Javelins…(although they are not in game yet)


We are a dominating force in the verse. If you are a fighter pilot, recon specialist, bomber, prospector, boots on the ground grunt, janitor, or mess hall coffee maker… we have room for YOU.


We create 50 man battle scenarios nightly on Rexzilla’s Twitch channel. But even when Rex is offline we are always active in the DISCORD running various in game operations.


To kill and die in battle. The ZDF are combat masterlords. Willing to lay their life on the line to defeat any threat or target that proposes a fight. The ZDF is a brotherhood, a family that will take action and stand together.


No siding against the family.