Zion Exploration / ZIONEXPLOR

  • Corporation
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  • Exploration
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We are a corporation dedicated to the expanse of the known galaxy through exploration. We are currently looking for those of you brave enough to explore with us, to strengthen the Zionian Community and to expand the fleet for future missions delving deeper into the dark-beigeness of space.


The founding of Zion Exploration Corp. involved a small group of average joe’s who had recently moved to Terra in the year 2519, with an unquenchable sense of adventure they took to the stars once again this time destined for greatness by the means of cargo hauling and, in the years to come, stretching the boundaries of the known cosmos.

We (the small group of average joe’s) spent a lengthy time deciding a name that fit our dreams, and with a minimal knowledge on ancient earthen religion that had been studied during our period of 1st educational degree, we decided on the name Zion for two reasons, firstly it is a biblical reference to ‘a land of future promise’ as well as how plain awesome it is.

Due to time dilation and deep space stasis during long interstellar expeditions, centuries on earth are years for explorers, a reason why mainstream exploration only involves jump-points. We soon joined became one of the most hardcore exploration corporations known to civilisation.

Unfortunately due to potential damage to the brain with regular stasis, the only body part that cannot be replaced by stem cells due to memory loss, we issued a bylaw against the use of stasis and, although mainstream, we now use jump-gates must for safety reasons.

This takes us to present day where we are an interstellar corporation dedicated to the expanse of the known galaxy through exploration into unknown areas beyond the UPE. We are currently looking for those of you brave enough to explore with us, to strengthen the Zionian Community and to expand the fleet for future missions delving deeper into the dark-beigeness of space.


We are an interstellar corporation dedicated to the expanse of the known galaxy through exploration into unknown areas beyond the UPE. We are currently looking for those of you brave enough to explore with us, to strengthen the Zionian Community and to expand the fleet for future missions delving deeper into the dark-beigeness of space.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.