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Z and Z Interplanetary / ZZI

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to our Org Profile! If you’re interested in checking us out, feel free to hit up one of our members for info about joining.


After a XenoThreat incursion into the Stanton System in 2951 a group of entrepreneurs pulled together to form an alliance. They recognized the threat the Vanduul, Ninetails, XenoThreat and other emerging security challenges pose to their operations and, not wanting to rely solely on the government security entities for their protection, decided to form Z and Z Interplanetary(ZZI).

ZZI was founded loosely on the principals of the Rust Society of mutual aid, collaboration and looking out for the small and solo operators with the goal of maintaining fair competition with a chance for prosperity and security. It is unclear whether any of ZZI’s members are affiliated with the Rust Society, but ZZI itself, is not.

The founders of ZZI are all combat veterans of the CDF, accomplished cargo haulers and successful miners with interests in exploration and other lines of business that help diversify the portfolio. Not interested in a traditional organizational structure of hierarchy the founders instead focus on the ability to rapidly assemble and execute efficiently and effectively on any given mission or endeavor. Whether it is a multi-role mining op, an emergency aid cargo run or a combined response to a call for assistance, the members of the organization pride themselves on getting the job done.

While there is a common purpose and goal for ZZI, all of the current members maintain affiliations with other organizations and when there is no urgent need for support or planned group op, the individuals run solo activities and ADHOC joint ventures both within ZZI and with other organizations to keep the skills sharp and ships running smoothly.


We are a group of individuals interested in casual gameplay across pretty much all of the current and planned professions. Our core philosophies or approach to the game as an org are as follows:

Life comes first
- Life happens, we get it. If we have a planned event you’ve signed up for and can’t make it due to something in IRL – no worries.

We expect everyone to be treated with respect, kindness and fairness
- This is an online experience with the possibility to interact with people from cultures around the globe. Making space for different views, opinions and beliefs is necessary to maintain a foundation for enjoyable gameplay.

We are here to have fun and we have a shared sense of what “fun” means
- We like to be organized and focused on the gameplay
- Actions/behaviors that detract from enjoying the game are not OK
- We’re all people and sometimes we need to talk about things other than the game – choose your topics thoughtfully.
- We do enjoy a good laugh
- Your actions should not take away from someone else’s ability to enjoy the game

We welcome new folks that are eager to learn and try things out
- We’re all good at something, but not everything
- We want a space where folks can share ideas, practice their skills, learn from one another and work together to support each other.
- Above all else ask questions – if you don’t know or aren’t sure – ask. Someone may know the answer or be able to point you in the right direction.

Org member responsibilities should be light and fair
- We do not seek to create a hierarchical organization that requires time or UEC commitments
- We do expect that if you benefit from the org that you are of a mind to pay it forward at a minimum
- Even if your primary playstyle is to go it solo, you are welcome. It is helpful to have friends to call for backup /support when needed.


Work in progress.