Day Late Garrison
Spectrum Identification (SID) DAYLATEORG
Organization rank Colonel
Archetype PMC
Prim. Language English
Prim. Activity Exploration
Recruiting Yes
Sec. Activity Social
Role Play Yes
Commitment Regular
Exclusive No
Spectrum Identification (SID) HDSECURITY
Organization rank Warrant Officer
Merchants of Death
Spectrum Identification (SID) MODCORP
Organization rank Imperator
Spectrum Identification (SID) 4HIRE
Organization rank Cadet
Nova Escape
Spectrum Identification (SID) NOVAESCAPE
Organization rank Fleet Commander
Cognition Corp
Spectrum Identification (SID) COGNITION
Organization rank Top 50%-75% Shareholders
United Federation of Planets
Spectrum Identification (SID) UFOP
Organization rank Captain
Spectrum Identification (SID) SYNCH
Organization rank Jr. Assoc./Contractor